Pleasures of Soup

Written by Merrie Schonbach

Pleasures of Soup

Often our diets change duringrepparttar cold weather. More hot foods then cold sandwiches gracerepparttar 111219 dinner table. Our schedules do not slow down so we seek out hardy, quick to prepare meals.

Making a pot of soup is a perfect solution for a healthy, hot meal. There are dozens of different soups that you can make.

Make your meal different then chicken noodle or tomato soup, why not try a creamy wild rice mushroom, white chicken chili, cheesy potato with bacon, country bean or even Italian wedding soup.

War Declared On Instant Messenger: How to Stop Your Child from Wasting Their Life Away Online

Written by Christopher Pizzo M.Ed.

Hey Parents! I hate to tell you, but there is no such thing as “useful instant messaging”. Your crafty child might try to take advantage of your lack of “Techie” know how when they say in that whiney voice... “But Mom I’m IMing my friends about homework.” Don’t buy it! They are simply playing uprepparttar school is important bit so they can get you off their back.

To be fair, yes kids might spend a couple minutes discussing their school assignments. But for every 30 seconds of actual work, another 30 minutes are lost in useless chatter withrepparttar 111218 hundred or so “friends” on their buddy list! And if your child consistently pullsrepparttar 111219 “I didn’t knowrepparttar 111220 assignment” excuse, then bigger school problems than instant messaging are onrepparttar 111221 horizon.

You can easily stoprepparttar 111222 hours upon hours of instant messaging with one simple gesture… PULL THE PLUG! Now, I don’t really mean to literally pullrepparttar 111223 plug out ofrepparttar 111224 computer on your child. The last thing we want to do is get into a power struggle with your child, or break your $1500 computer.

No, what I mean is simply lay downrepparttar 111225 law. Allocate a specific period of instant messaging time per day. One hour of IMing is not going to kill anyone or their social life. And in that one hour time slot they will have plenty of time to discuss homework, their teacher,repparttar 111226 new kid in class, or whatever.

Right now you might be saying, “That sounds great Chris, but what happens when my kid refuses to adhere torepparttar 111227 allotted time?” When your child disregards your house rules it simply means they have too much free time on their hands. We all know that idleness isrepparttar 111228 devil’s playground. It might be time to up their chore responsibilities. Or sign them up for an after school art class or even a sport or karate. Sometimesrepparttar 111229 best answer is to simply spend some quality time with them. Set up a time each day to play scrabble, take a walk or cook something together. It really doesn’t matter what it is, just play to your kids interests and keep them busy.

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