Playing the Holiday Food Game

Written by Marjorie Geiser, RD

Asrepparttar holidays come towards us, minds drift torepparttar 114551 fear of weight gain and that fitness plans will fall byrepparttar 114552 wayside. Some people work hard to lose weight beforerepparttar 114553 holidays, only to regain that weight, and add on MORE weight, oncerepparttar 114554 holidays have passed. How are you going to avoidrepparttar 114555 dreaded five to 10 pound weight gain we all hear about? You need to plan your strategy just as if you were playing a game! So, sit down, readrepparttar 114556 recommendations below, and plan your own strategy today, beforerepparttar 114557 holiday games begin!

1 – Have a game plan. All successful teams and professionals have a plan. Why should controlling your weight at this time ofrepparttar 114558 year be any different? So, asrepparttar 114559 parties and family events are also inrepparttar 114560 planning stage, determine how you are going to approachrepparttar 114561 obstacle course of high fat and high calorie goodies calling out to you? ·Determine how you are going to handle parties andrepparttar 114562 food provided. ·Plan your events ahead of time. Although there will be surprise invitations, most people know what they will be doing overrepparttar 114563 holidays. Avoid excessive parties. ·Make a plan for what you will prepare at home when not entertaining or visiting. Just because it’srepparttar 114564 holiday season does not mean you have to eat holiday fare all season. ·Determine how you will keep your fitness routine intact.

2 – Prepare forrepparttar 114565 party game. Ok, we’ve all heard these recommendations, but how many of you actually try them? If you use them all, great! Check out to see if there are any new ideas here or use them to remind yourself of some you may have forgotten. ·Eat beforerepparttar 114566 event. If you are already full from healthy food, you are less likely to ‘pig out’ on high calorie, empty carbohydrate, high fat snack foods that just add up in our mid-section. ·Wear something tight inrepparttar 114567 midsection. Tight clothes will help you tend to want to eat less, if for no other reason than it’s uncomfortable! ·Bring your own drinks and munchies. The more you are in control of what your choices are,repparttar 114568 less likely you are to grab foods you really don’t want to eat. ·Avoidrepparttar 114569 alcohol. Many people feel out of place if they don’t have a drink in their hand. Try keeping your glass filled with ice and water! No one will know what you’re drinking unless you tell them or they ask. Inrepparttar 114570 meantime, you will be drinking calorie free. ·Concentrate on conversing more than eating. ·Stand clear ofrepparttar 114571 food tables. The further you are fromrepparttar 114572 food and goodies,repparttar 114573 less likely you are to pick up and mindlessly eat them. ·Choose smaller portions. Even if a food or snack looks very good, to avoid feeling deprived, just have a smaller serving.

3 – Plan your party strategy early. Whether you arerepparttar 114574 host/hostess or you arerepparttar 114575 guest, be selective about where you go and how many events you take part in. ·Attendrepparttar 114576 ‘have to’ events. These arerepparttar 114577 events with family and close friends. The ones you enjoyrepparttar 114578 most (we hope). Then there arerepparttar 114579 business and work events. ·Watch out forrepparttar 114580 office parties, especially! Some you may have to at least make a showing to these, but nothing says you have to drink allrepparttar 114581 punch and berepparttar 114582 last one outrepparttar 114583 door! Stick with your water and leave early for dinner at home. ·When you arerepparttar 114584 host/hostess, you have control over whatrepparttar 114585 food will be. Choose foods you enjoy and are what you want to eat. Since so many other people are trying to watch what they eat, you may be surprised to find this a very popular choice! ·When you arerepparttar 114586 host/hostess, provide plenty of non-alcoholic beverages. People just want something in their hands, but many will also opt for no alcohol if it’s available.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility - Part II

Written by Dr. Mike Berkley


In Part I, we consideredrepparttar proper treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine and The Four Examinations,which date back over three thousand years.

In this section, we will look atrepparttar 114550 mechanisms of action of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It was shown in a study done at Harvard that stress reducesrepparttar 114551 hypothalamic-anterior pituitary-ovarian axis function, thus being a factor to be considered inrepparttar 114552 infertility work-up. Acupuncture releases endorphins which mitigate ones response to stressful stimuli thus enhancingrepparttar 114553 possibility for conception.

"Historically, infertility, particularly "functional" infertility, was attributed to abnormal psychological functioning onrepparttar 114554 part of one or both members ofrepparttar 114555 couple. Preliminary works inrepparttar 114556 1940s and 1950s considered "psychogenic infertility" asrepparttar 114557 major cause of failure to conceive in as many as 50% of cases. As recently asrepparttar 114558 late 1960s, it was commonly believed that reproductive failure wasrepparttar 114559 result of psychological and emotional factors. Psychogenic infertility was supposed to occur because of unconscious anxiety about sexual feelings, ambivalence toward motherhood, unresolved oedipal conflict, or conflicts of gender identity. Fortunately, advances in reproductive endocrinology and medical technology as well as in psychological research have de-emphasizedrepparttar 114560 significance of psychopathology asrepparttar 114561 basis of infertility, and modern research shows that there is little evidence to support a role for personality factors or conflicts as a cause of infertility. This perspective unburdensrepparttar 114562 couple by relieving them ofrepparttar 114563 additional guilt of thinking that it is their mental stress that may be responsible for their infertility.

Biologically, sincerepparttar 114564 hypothalamus regulates both stress responses as well asrepparttar 114565 sex hormones, it's easy to see how stress could cause infertility in some women. Excessive stress may even lead to complete suppression ofrepparttar 114566 menstrual cycle, and this is often seen in female marathon runners, who develop "runner's amenorrhea". In less severe cases, it could cause anovulation or irregular menstrual cycles. When activated by stress,repparttar 114567 pituitary gland also produces increased amounts of prolactin, and elevated levels of prolactin could cause irregular ovulation. Sincerepparttar 114568 female reproductive tract contains catecholamine receptors catecholamines produced in response to stress may potentially affect fertility, for example, by interfering withrepparttar 114569 transport of gametes throughrepparttar 114570 Fallopian tube or by altering uterine blood flow. However, more complex mechanisms may be at play, and researchers still don't completely understand how stress interacts withrepparttar 114571 reproductive system. This is a story, which is still unfolding, and duringrepparttar 114572 last 20 years,repparttar 114573 new field of psychoneuroimmunology has emerged, which focuses on how your mind can affect your body.

Research has shown thatrepparttar 114574 brain produces special molecules called neuropeptides, in response to emotions, and these peptides can interact with every cell ofrepparttar 114575 body, including those ofrepparttar 114576 immune system. In this view,repparttar 114577 mind andrepparttar 114578 body are not only connected, but also inseparable, so that it is hardly surprising that stress can have a negative influence on fertility.

Stress can reduce sperm counts as well. Thus, testicular biopsies obtained from prisoners awaiting execution, who were obviously under extreme stress, revealed complete spermatogenetic arrest in all cases. Researchers have also showed significantly lower semen volume and sperm concentration in a group of chronically stressed marmoset monkey, and these changes were attributed to lower concentrations of LH and testosterone (which were reduced inrepparttar 114579 stressed group). However, how relevant these research findings are in clinical practice is still to be determined."

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