Playing it Safe

Written by Lynn Cutts

Do you play it safe with your creativity, be it expressed through dancing, music, writing, painting, acting . . . ? Do you find yourself working withrepparttar same old, comfortable people, places, and situations? Where do you hold back, or fear to tread at all? The truth is, we all play it safe: in our art, our work, and our lives. We've been taught to do so from birth. First our parents protected us from danger, then schools, society, and various government agencies took over. Now it's become a deeply ingrained, limiting habit.

Perhaps you play it safe withrepparttar 139384 kind of things you create, sticking to one topic, outlet or style. Maybe you avoid uncomfortable issues in your work, situations that get just a little too real, or a character that's a little too like you. Or you have this fantastic idea that you're waiting to do because, "You're just not good enough yet." Maybe you limit yourself to local venues, or don't charge enough for your work. Or perhaps, you couldn't bring yourself to call that agent, that potential backer, that gallery, and pitch your work.

Wherever you play it safe in your creativity is also where you play it safe in life. Can't make your characters get confrontational? Well then, ask yourself, how well do you handle confrontation? Follow allrepparttar 139385 rules in your painting? Where else do you blindly toerepparttar 139386 line? Can't send that demo tape intorepparttar 139387 radio station? Where else do you lack confidence? There's nothing intrinsically wrong in playing it safe. We all do it in order to survive–or so we've been taught–but as we move through life, we outgrow our safety nets, just as we've outgrown our playpens and car seats. Some of us consistently chooserepparttar 139388 known overrepparttar 139389 unknown,repparttar 139390 small but sure return overrepparttar 139391 risky investment. Others play it safe by avoidingrepparttar 139392 chance of rejection, exposure, or disappointment. Sometimes we play it safe in one area of our lives so we can waltz onrepparttar 139393 precipice's edge in another. But playing it safe is really takingrepparttar 139394 biggest risk of all:repparttar 139395 risk that we will never learn or grow in that particular area. And those arerepparttar 139396 areas where life's most precious and important lessons await.

Our Internal Clutter

Written by Lynn Cutts

Just like a disorganized closet crammed torepparttar gills with sporting goods, prom dresses, old furniture, and who knows what else, our psyches are crammed with old tapes, worries and anxieties, negative voices. We're more tuned in torepparttar 139383 messages from our past and our negative self talk than we are to our real selves. Heck, we can't even find our authentic selves in allrepparttar 139384 mess.

Meanwhile, our days are crammed with too many commitments, a lack of clear goals and priorities, uncompleted projects. We spend each day running as hard as we can just to stay in place. Nothing ever feels done.

Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone. Millions of people are inrepparttar 139385 same boat.

OLD TAPES. We carry a lot of old emotional baggage around with us. It's as if we have a constant film loop running in our heads that replays everything that ever went wrong inrepparttar 139386 past (but omits allrepparttar 139387 good stuff). That spat we had with our college roommate,repparttar 139388 guilt from a careless comment we made to a friend,repparttar 139389 hurt from not having a date forrepparttar 139390 Senior Prom. things like this clutter up our thoughts and distract us from more immediate and important issues.

WORRIES: Another source of mental and emotional clutter is worry, plain and simple. We lie awake at night, what if-ing ourselves into a tizzy. We construct dire and improbable possibilities, then treat them as if they were real. We create scenarios which paralyze us with fear. When we worry, we are projecting ourselves intorepparttar 139391 unknown future, instead of taking care of business inrepparttar 139392 here and now.

GREMLINS: Let's not forget all those little voices in our heads. Call them Gremlins or call them negative self-talk, those negative messages we send ourselves repeatedly clutter our self-confidence, our will to go on, our courage to change. Those voices arerepparttar 139393 ones that tell us we can't, we shouldn't, we're not smart enough, hard working enough, brave enough. They clutter our lives as surely as those piles of paper hiding our desk tops from view.

COMMITMENTS: We also contribute to this unnecessary mental confusion with our attempts to have it all and have it all right now! Our To Do lists are so full that there is no way we'll get to a tenth of all those tasks. We've cluttered our schedules with so many events, we don't really care about that there's no time left forrepparttar 139394 things that really matter, such as ourselves, our loved ones, or chocolate.

NO CLEAR GOALS: Our plans are just as cluttered. We're too busy to set clear goals and determine priorities. We put stuff off because we are so busy, until suddenly it's been put off so long that it's become an emergency. We waste our energy putting out fires instead of preventing them. We don't know where we're going, or why, because we don't haverepparttar 139395 time to stop and figure it out.

UNFINISHED PROJECTS: We have too many things going at once to see any of them through to completion. We leapfrog from one project to another. We start in on one thing and work on it until something else comes along. So we droprepparttar 139396 first one and startrepparttar 139397 second, only to drop that one when yet another one seems more interesting. Soon our uncompleted projects clutter our minds and our storage space. So what's a person to do?

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