Playing Baby Computer Games – The New Parent-Child Tradition?

Written by Emma Rath

Imagine cuddling up with your small child to look at a picture book together that is interactive, musical, responsive and talks to you?

This isrepparttar experience that people are having who are engaged in that relatively new pastime – playing computer games with babies.

JumpStart’s Knowledge Adventure calls it “lapware”, Kiddies Games’ logo is “Hop onrepparttar 110641 lap and tap”, and Sesame Street’s “Baby and Me” opens with an animation of a baby monster hopping ontorepparttar 110642 lap of a Daddy monster to playrepparttar 110643 computer. Playing computer games with your baby is being promoted as a fun activity that a child and their caregiver can share together. And rightly so, because whateverrepparttar 110644 activity, physical, loving closeness is an important ingredient that infants need for healthy intellectual, emotional and physical development.

Reading a bedtime story to a small eager child is a tradition in many homes. Asrepparttar 110645 children get older, this may be replaced by watching TV together. Our parents’ families listened torepparttar 110646 radio together. Playing onrepparttar 110647 computer with a small child may become a new type of family tradition. Home computers and internet are making their way into more and more homes. Some parents userepparttar 110648 computer in their work and are delighted to sharerepparttar 110649 computer for a fun activity with their kids. Other parents want to make sure their children become computer literate. Well-designed, interactive, educational computer games engage small children as much asrepparttar 110650 television and are more educational than TV because they inciterepparttar 110651 child to interact and think, rather than passively watch and listen. These arerepparttar 110652 reasons forrepparttar 110653 increasing popularity of toddler computer software. Although a relatively small industry, software for infants has been cited as being a very fast growing industry.

What type of computer software is available for babies, toddlers and preschoolers? There are free games on websites and there are download and CDROM software that you can buy. Most software for this age group is games, but computer story books also exist. Wonderful websites that offer free games of which many are suitable for preschoolers (preschoolers are able to do directed clicking withrepparttar 110654 mouse) are:

Great free sites for babies (whose skills tend to be more limited to bangingrepparttar 110655 keyboard) are:

CDROM or download software that you buy is usually better than free internet games. The games are usually superior (more graphics, more music, more involved games for older kids) andrepparttar 110656 software takes overrepparttar 110657 entire screen, which is more appropriate for very young children who click anywhere and everywhere onrepparttar 110658 screen. Some ofrepparttar 110659 well-known producers are:

Reader Rabbit software from JumpStart software from Fisher-Price software from Sesame Street software from or

Computer game softwares for this age group make conscientious efforts to be suitably educational. To judge their effectiveness for your child, try them out with your child. If your child finds that it’s fun, then it’s probably educational. For a baby, fun usually means thatrepparttar 110660 game responds in some way to random keyboard presses and mouse clicks, and thatrepparttar 110661 game continues in a positive way even when no input is forthcoming fromrepparttar 110662 baby. A preschooler will need more of a challenge or more educational content, butrepparttar 110663 game should be designed to be always fun, reactive in a positive way and self-resolving whenrepparttar 110664 child does not getrepparttar 110665 correct answer. At this age, it is more important that computer games contribute positively to self-esteem, rather than conscientiously correcting incorrect answers about educational concepts thatrepparttar 110666 child will master when they’re older anyway. The software is meticulous about adhering to these rules.

Suicide Vaccine

Written by James Sorrell

In answer torepparttar question "What is your interest in suicide prevention?" on NCSPT's web site {National Center for Suicide Prevention Training}: My interest in suicide prevention?? To END suicide!!!, [that's real prevention, isn't it??], which is possible if you suspend disbelief and takerepparttar 110640 advise found on - 'Metanoia means: "a change of mind"...turning around, to face a new turn towardrepparttar 110641 light. Because when you facerepparttar 110642 light, shadow is behind you.' (([Read withrepparttar 110643 kind of open mind that conquersrepparttar 110644 unknown]......."SUICIDE VACCINE": ...........You don't have to believe in God to sense that there are unseen, negative forces at work againstrepparttar 110645 human race; vast, heartless, loveless and unsympathetic. (If you don't believe in anything you can't see, touch or feel, you're vulnerable! Expand your horizon to understand that ALL of life is connected and has a great impact on us, whether we can see it or not! a virus,withrepparttar 110646 naked eye, for instance.) Fallen angels (who are JUST as real as YOU are, who hide behind our deceived ignorance of their REAL methods, who lost their "day jobs" and have nothing better to do than prey on us, and who are called "demons") get sheer delight in tricking humans into self-murder and slaughter us like slave/cattle daily (as well as other deadly deceptions such as incited, outward violence)! One such deception we call "suicide". The word "angel" means "messenger". The 'Maker of All Things' had designed angels to carry His thoughts and put them intorepparttar 110647 mind of man. The fallen angels can still place their thoughts directly into any human's mind, in that human's very own thought voice....YOUR thought voice! (Ever had an angry or impulsive thought, word or action that you knew wasn't you? We all have!!) "Suicide risk" people (and others) that don't know or ACCEPT that this tampering can be done to them are stuck thinking that was what they really wanted to do. In play also isrepparttar 110648 demon's ability to incite, to manipulate our feelings and emotions, dragging us alongrepparttar 110649 bottom of our lives (depression or pain of any sort, whether physical or emotional) and setting us up for a deadly trick, often through isolation, arrogance, never-ending boredom or impulsive behavior (we are most vulnerable here!). Also,repparttar 110650 more self-absorbed or self-centeredrepparttar 110651 individual is,repparttar 110652 more susceptible they are (involve yourself with other's needs as a defense....others-centered rather than self-centered.......LOVE is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interest, anytime, anywhere, selflessly! 24/7). People with good fortune shining on them would hardly listen to a suicide thought, as out of place as it would be there and a noticeable implant into their thought process. The bad guys have thousands of lures that get most of us (like $$money$$...which tookrepparttar 110653 place of Love inrepparttar 110654 USA....entertainment, sports & business....which tookrepparttar 110655 place of Family, "soaps" {which robs people of emotions for other human beings}, etc.), but we can be inoculated againstrepparttar 110656 fooling trick of suicide and eradicate it now thatrepparttar 110657 REAL source has finally been revealed! JOINrepparttar 110658 fight, help dispelrepparttar 110659 fog of myth that has for so long cloudedrepparttar 110660 real source of a lot of mankind's miseries, bring aboutrepparttar 110661 end of suicide & other terrible stuff. "Light dispelsrepparttar 110662 darkness!" [Protectrepparttar 110663 ones you love, and understand withrepparttar 110664 kind of open mind that conquersrepparttar 110665 unknown]...Other thingsrepparttar 110666 above "truth-vaccine" {a life preserver made up of words} protects us from: self-injury, anxiety {excessive worry}, phobias, compulsive/obsessive/impulsive behavior.....remember,repparttar 110667 enemy has a lure for each one of a master "fisherman", with 10,000 years of experience to use against our relative few; so it pays to be inoculated againstrepparttar 110668 "god of this world"'s deceptions!) World-wide deception takes a hit whenrepparttar 110669 truth sets us free!!! HELP to spread this objective truth around freely to PREVENT more needless deaths and tragedies, to PROTECTrepparttar 110670 human race, including those you love!......"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives; destroyrepparttar 110671 images and you will breakrepparttar 110672 enemy;repparttar 110673 opportunity hits all by itself." [Bruce Lee:: Enterrepparttar 110674 Dragon]...."People who don't believe thatrepparttar 110675 devil walks this earth have not seenrepparttar 110676 things I've seen (terrible human slaughter). I believe that there is such a thing as true evil, and that there is true goodness." [Dr. Ronald Wright:: Broward County Medical Examiner, Florida].......For "defense" & "offense" against mankind's worst enemies,repparttar 110677 'Keeper ofrepparttar 110678 Flame' shows how these two elements work to userepparttar 110679 truth to melt deception & freerepparttar 110680 human race from miserable slavery to $$money$$/hate/greed-arrogance/violence/war/lovelessness.....[Defense

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