Plate Decoration Gone Healthy!

Written by Lena Sanchez

Plate Decoration Gone Healthy! © By Lena Sanchez

It hasn't gone healthy it's always been healthy just ignored byrepparttar modern world!

One ofrepparttar 115579 oldest herbs inrepparttar 115580 world and is now grown all overrepparttar 115581 world is also one ofrepparttar 115582 greatest toxin removal systems around as well as illness and disease preventor… PARSLEY

And you thought it was just to decorate your plate. Not so, next timerepparttar 115583 restaurant puts a sprig of parsley on your dinner plate, eat it! Parsley is a much maligned herb!

Parsley originated inrepparttar 115584 Eastern Mediterranean region but is now grown throughoutrepparttar 115585 world. For more than 2,000 years, it has been known as a medicinal herb. The ancient Greeks valuedrepparttar 115586 seeds and roots ofrepparttar 115587 plant for their soothing, diuretic effect on those with kidney and bladder ailments.

Today parsley is still used primarily as a diuretic. In addition, it strengthensrepparttar 115588 digestive system and helps alleviate stomach and liver problems.

In folk medicine, parsley was recommended for women who have irregular menstrual periods. As a diuretic it may also easerepparttar 115589 bloating that some women experience before their periods. In addition, parsley leaves are a good source of many vitamins and minerals - including iron, which is important forrepparttar 115590 proper formation of red blood cells, potassium and vitamin C.

The Medieval German herbalist St Hildegard of Bingen prescribed parsley wine to improve blood circulation. It was believed to help heart conditions. To make his parsley wine, combine 10 - 12 large sprigs of parsley with 1 quart of red or white wine and 2 teaspoons of white-wine vinegar. Boil for 10 minutes then add 9 ounces of honey. Strainrepparttar 115591 mixture and pour into bottles. I have not tried this, but it is said to work well, according to many… Take 1 Tbsp. Three times a day, is said to keeprepparttar 115592 blood circulating.

This herb supplies important vitamins and minerals, for instance, just ¼ cup of fresh parsley provides a third of your daily vitamin C requirement. It's high vitamin C and A content also help fight cancer. Parsley ranks higher than most vegetable in bistidine an amino acid that inhibits tumors. In addition, parsley is an excellent source of potassium, which is important in lowering blood pressure. Also supplies folic acid, which helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It also contains calcium, manganese and iron.

Parsley for Osteoporosis; Sometimes high doses of calcium are taken in supplemental form, however this impairsrepparttar 115593 body's absorption of manganese which help build bone. But parsley enhances manganese absorption, particularly when it is eaten with foods containing copper and zinc, such as shellfish and whole grains.

Is it any wonder that a Mediterranean diet is one ofrepparttar 115594 known healthy diets? The average Mediterranean inhabitant eats lots of parsley in a lot of different dishes!

Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally

Written by Lena Sanchez

Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally © By Lena Sanchez

Acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, and hundreds of adults according torepparttar AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). It isrepparttar 115578 most common problem inrepparttar 115579 United States. Many overrepparttar 115580 counter remedies exist and hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent yearly on them. I have come up with some inexpensive home remedies that work perfectly well and are healthier forrepparttar 115581 skin.

ACNE Symptoms: Persistent, recurrent pimples or skin blemishes onrepparttar 115582 skin. Acne is commonly found onrepparttar 115583 face but can also occur onrepparttar 115584 chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion ofrepparttar 115585 back.

What is going on? Usually because of clogging ofrepparttar 115586 pores inrepparttar 115587 sebaceous hair follicles, from oils and dead skin cells that build up bacteria inrepparttar 115588 blocked follicle, thus causes inflammation in that area.

Prevention: Keepingrepparttar 115589 area clean, eating less fatty foods and sugars will most times prevent acne.


Cleanse (not scrub) your face at least twice daily with a gentle natural anti-microbial herbal soap such as calendula (Calendula officinalis), lavender (Lavandula officinalis) for both treatment and prevention.

After cleaning, apply one drop of tea tree oil - a natural anti-microbial - to each blemish. *For an overnight treatment that will dry and heal, use a clay poultice, worn all night. Use either green clay or bentonite as a base. (Can be obtained at most health food stores). Combine 1 teaspoon of clay with enough water to make a pasterepparttar 115590 consistency of toothpaste. Mix in 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply to blemishes. Rinse off with warm water inrepparttar 115591 morning.

Facial Steam:

Give yourself an herbal facial steam treatment twice a week to gently and deeply clean pores. Into a heat-proof bowl pour 1 ½ quarts of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, which is both and anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Cover your head andrepparttar 115592 bowl with a large bath towel, steam your face for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn yourself withrepparttar 115593 steam.

Natural Alpha Hydroxy:

From your own kitchen comes a great natural alpha hydroxy healer. ~ Wash well and put into a blender: 2 or 3 ripe unpeeled pitted apricots, ~ 2 large or 3 medium sized fresh Strawberries preferred, but frozen will work as well, ~ ¼ of a medium to large avocado (equivalent to a 3"X 2" piece, ~ 1 heaping tablespoon of honey. Put in blender and liquefy until frothy. Apply to face, leave on for about 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with warm herbal soapy water. Then open a capsule of vitamin E and apply to face.

If leftovers, store in a glass jar for no more than 7 days. Use this facial twice weekly for soft blemish free skin. To remove small wrinkles leave on overnight.

Natural Blemish Healing Astringents:

Apply Lemon juice and let dry, apply as often as you wish. Acts as an astringent and a healer. Lemon has a drawing affect and will help heal blemishes as well as prevent pores from becoming clogged. For abscessed pores apply a piece of lemon peel directly onrepparttar 115594 spot, skin side out. Can be left on up to three hours.

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