Planning A Winning Website

Written by Matthew Coers

Before you begin to build a website, you need to determine your website's primary purpose. This may sound like a simple task, but it can be very difficult - especially when your business has multiple product lines or revenue streams. Most managers have a hard time boiling their goals down to a single action they want their site visitors to take. This is precisely why most websites out there fail to draw even a small amount of traffic, and then once they do get a hit, they loserepparttar prospect because they confused her or gave herrepparttar 132314 impression thatrepparttar 132315 website wasn't fully baked.

Websites do not need to be large to be effective, but they do need to take two things into consideration. First, they need to be responsive to visitors' expectations and give them what they expect to see. Secondly, they need to drive visitors to takerepparttar 132316 desired action for whichrepparttar 132317 website is designed. Generally speaking you will want your visitors to take one ofrepparttar 132318 following five actions:

  • Purchase a product or service
  • Provide contact information
  • Download a white paper, datasheet, or other promotional materials
  • Join your newsletter
  • Click on advertiser’s banners or affiliate links

There are other goals websites have, but these arerepparttar 132319 primary five goals most any site has. I have built over 100 websites – everything from consumer oriented e-commerce sites to B-to-B corporate sites to municipal management systems and intranets. Regardless of size or scope,repparttar 132320 single biggest mistake I see managers make over and over is trying to make their sites do too many different kinds of things. You should establish your site’s primary purpose, and make everything onrepparttar 132321 site revolve around that goal.

When a site is properly focused on it’s primary purpose, visitors understand intuitively what it’s about and are not left withrepparttar 132322 feeling that they are being “gamed”, or worse thatrepparttar 132323 site is irrelevant to them. They are also less likely to become confused about what they are supposed to do if they are ready to takerepparttar 132324 next step with your company.

That means that if you are trying to collect names and email addresses of potential clients for your consultancy, you shouldn’t waste valuable real estate on your homepage discussing your “corporate vision”, you should be concentrating on establishing your expertise and demonstratingrepparttar 132325 knowledge your potential clients are looking for. Likewise, if you are supposed to be selling products on your website, then forget about trying to appeal to investors. Investors will be most impressed with a retail site that effectively converts visitors into customers, and you’ll make a lot more money inrepparttar 132326 process.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have multiple goals for your business. This simply means that your site should focus on its primary purpose, and that purpose should be directly related to revenue-generating activities.

Once you have identified your site’s purpose, you should takerepparttar 132327 time to write outrepparttar 132328 general path you would expect your visitors to take through your site. Think about it from their perspective. Some examples of this are:

Example 1

The visitor comes intorepparttar 132329 site and sees that my site is a retail seller of electronic devices. I plan to have several items featured onrepparttar 132330 front page ofrepparttar 132331 website that representrepparttar 132332 major product lines that I carry. The visitor can select one ofrepparttar 132333 featured items, or select a product category fromrepparttar 132334 navigation bar. Oncerepparttar 132335 visitor selects an item, he or she is then given a detailed description ofrepparttar 132336 product and a price. By clickingrepparttar 132337 “Buy Now” button,repparttar 132338 visitor is taken torepparttar 132339 shopping cart system where he or she is givenrepparttar 132340 option to continue shopping or check out.

Painting The Canvas Of Your Website

Written by Jeff Colburn

There's more to selecting colors for your website than just choosing what you think is pretty. You also need to be aware ofrepparttar psychology of color, and what's easy on your visitor's eyes.

I recently visited a Goth site that had dark purple letters on a black background. It felt Gothie, butrepparttar 132311 copy was so hard to read that I gave up after a few words. Another site had an almost fluorescent orange background. It was so bright that it hurt my eyes. I left as fast as I could hitrepparttar 132312 Back button. Whilerepparttar 132313 creators of these sites may think they looked great, in reality they chased people away. What good is having a website if people leave after just a few seconds. Whatever these people were trying to accomplish, it failed. If people leave your web page before they can read your copy or look at repparttar 132314 products or services you sell, thenrepparttar 132315 site is useless, no matter how great you think it looks.

The first thing you need to do is decide what colors will best fitrepparttar 132316 theme of your site. You can then use these colors when you, or a website designer, create your site. A Goth site may include black, dark red and purple, while one for Renaissance Faires could use earth tones and a florist may want pinks, reds and purples.

Here are some common responses that people feel for several colors.

  • Black - seriousness, darkness, mystery, secrecy, power, elegance, death, evil, formality.
  • Blue - trustworthiness, success, seriousness, calmness, power, professionalism, health, tranquility, knowledge, integrity.
  • Brown - earth, nature, tribal, primitive, simplicity, stability, masculine qualities.
  • Green - money, nature, animals, health, healing, life, harmony, ambition, greed, jealousy.
  • Grey - neutrality, indifference, reserved.
  • Orange - comfort, creativity, celebration, fun, youth, affordability.
  • Pink - softness, sweetness, innocence, youthfulness, tenderness, romance, love, friendship.
  • Purple - royalty, justice, ambiguity, uncertainty, luxury, fantasy, dreams, romance.
  • Red - love, passion, rage, anger, joy, sexuality, danger, warning, excitement, food, impulse, action, adventure.
  • White - innocence, purity, cleanliness, simplicity, goodness, virginity.
  • Yellow - curiosity, playfulness, cheerfulness, amusement, caution, joy.

Once you decide on a main color for your site, you need to select other colors that you can use. After all, you don't want a monochrome site, that would be very boring. You can choose colors that haverepparttar 132317 same hue, such as various shades of green, or you can use complimentary colors, like green and red. Just remember to selections shouldn't be an annoyance to your visitors.

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