Pitfalls of Web Redesign

Written by Eileen "Turtle" Parzek

Now that we are a half-decade intorepparttar web as mass media, it is apparent that redesigning is a necessary part ofrepparttar 132750 business of web development. Most sites are redesigned multiple times -- getting better, and occasionally worse, each time out. Sometimes, a redesign comes about asrepparttar 132751 site owners are evolving from "the kid downrepparttar 132752 street did my web site" to "it's time to hire a professional." More often it's a matter of keeping up withrepparttar 132753 Joneses. Creating, maintaining and owning a web site is a learning experience, becauserepparttar 132754 web is always a moving target. Redesign is to be expected.

Whenrepparttar 132755 decision is made to redesign an existing site,repparttar 132756 process is similar to creating a new one -- withrepparttar 132757 latest technologies, design issues, and planning processes all taken into consideration. But there are pitfalls that can be avoided -- most of which I've experienced either through my own learning or observation. Keeping these things in mind will help ensure that you aren't thinking "redesign it again" even beforerepparttar 132758 last pixel has dried.

Redesigning for redesigns sake Ask yourself why, exactly, you need to do this, and come up with a legitimate list of improvements you wish to make. It's a known fact that web users get comfortable with a certain design and layout over time, even if a mess was what they had gotten used to. When you redesign, you will be shaking up a few change-resistant folks, and you might lose some of them. Don't let that fear stop you from redesigning, just askrepparttar 132759 question "will I alienate more visitors withrepparttar 132760 redesign, than I might gain or keep by makingrepparttar 132761 changes I am considering?" Ifrepparttar 132762 answer is yes, think carefully about what it is you hope to accomplish. menu

Not taking advantage of your current users

When you first created your site, chances are you weren't sure exactly whatrepparttar 132763 results would be or who your users would be, you just knew who you thought you wanted to reach and to serve. Now look at what you have going for -- an audience -- a resource that can be tapped into prior to creatingrepparttar 132764 new site. Don't underestimaterepparttar 132765 power of user feedback prior to your redesign! If you have been collecting user information alongrepparttar 132766 way, now isrepparttar 132767 time to go back and ask those users what they would like to see, what they don't like about your site, and howrepparttar 132768 site might be improved. If you have beenrepparttar 132769 recipient of user feedback all along, set asiderepparttar 132770 time to cull through all of it, looking for direction. Put a well thought out survey on your existing site for a month or two, to solicit specific answers and opinions to your redesign issues. Your visitors are your customers, and they are oftenrepparttar 132771 quantifiable wealth of your site -- so listen to what they are saying. menu

Ignoringrepparttar 132772 competition

Chances are if you have competition at all, they also have a web site. Planning for a redesign would be a really good time to evaluate those sites again. Ask your users about which other sites they consider to be good, and why, and surveyrepparttar 132773 people involved inrepparttar 132774 redesign to see what they think. Spend time studyingrepparttar 132775 competition's sites to see what you might do even better, yourself. menu

Forgettingrepparttar 132776 stats

Your accumulated traffic and browser statistics are an invaluable piece of information for planning your redesign. The first impulse when redesigning a site is to throw new bells and whistles intorepparttar 132777 new site in order to be current and cutting edge. But before you do that, its important that you investigate whether your existing audience will actually appreciate, benefit from, or even be able to use your new site. Any pre-existing site should have a treasure trove of data for you to analyze, pertaining to operating systems, browsers and browser versions. Study this information and know what your audience can handle, before you make decisions on implementing newer technologies. menu

Not being visionary

It's a given thatrepparttar 132778 web will seem to be whole 'nother animal in six months to a year. Not understanding where its going, and not having your finger onrepparttar 132779 web's pulse, might lead you to go throughrepparttar 132780 whole redesign process again, much sooner than you had expected. Anticipate and plan your new site to be flexible and scalable. Similarly, take a visionary focus in regards torepparttar 132781 subject matter of your site -- do you know where it will be growing inrepparttar 132782 near future? Plan for it, wherever possible, in your redesign. Just keep in mind that there will be time, and room, to add new features later, if you have determined that your audience isn't ready for it yet. Strike a good balance in your planning. menu

Is your web site ready for its visitors?

Written by Serge Gusarov

There’s a great interest amongrepparttar Internet entrepreneurs about how to promote their business onrepparttar 132748 Web. There’s always a quest for new and innovative ways of promotion that promise greater results at lower cost and in shorter time. Yet with allrepparttar 132749 efforts spent on promotion it’s just amazing how many people totally ignore one basic question- is their website is worth of promoting it? With new computer technologies and high speed connectionsrepparttar 132750 new age onrepparttar 132751 Internet has arrived-repparttar 132752 age that redefinedrepparttar 132753 criteria of a successful web site, which satisfies demands of its visitors.

Content isrepparttar 132754 king.

That wasrepparttar 132755 mantra of all web masters for a long time. Just show your visitors some interesting stuff, give them a better deal – and your success is guaranteed. The truth is – it doesn’t work that way. The content alone cannot win yourepparttar 132756 hearts and minds of your potential customers. It’s just a part - thought a very important one- of building your image onrepparttar 132757 Internet. You can say whatever you want about yourself on your web site: that your company providesrepparttar 132758 best services,repparttar 132759 best expertise,repparttar 132760 best…. whatever. But people won’t buy it until you LOOK right to them. That is you look trustworthy and professional enough to believe you. And that’srepparttar 132761 point where we come torepparttar 132762 importance of keeping your web site up to your customers’ expectations.

Numbers don’t lie

Your web site might not have changed for several years. Butrepparttar 132763 Internet has been changing. The latest surveys show that people's online expectations have skyrocketed overrepparttar 132764 last few years and they're quick to reject any web site that doesn't keep up. Besides easy navigation and use, people want and expect a site to load quickly and to be visually appealing. If a web site doesn't meet their expectations, two-thirds of respondents say they don't return — now or ever. They'll visit you and leave and you'll never know. What it means? Having a bad web site means loosing customers- plain and simple. When people see your web site in bad shape they assume that you ever don’t care about your image or don’t have money and resources to maintain it.

What is an effective web site?

A good web site should provide your visitors and potential clients with a unique experience and leave them with a lasting impression. In many ways people react to thatrepparttar 132765 same way as meeting a person. Sometimesrepparttar 132766 first impression makes allrepparttar 132767 difference. Ask yourself- would you place an order via a web site that looks like its owners went out of business years ago? I guess you’ll think twice before doing that…

It takes a lot of things to make a web site effective but here are some basics:

First a good design. Nice clean layout, good graphics work, color coordination. Everything is supposed to be in place and, no less important, in balance. Your visitors should be able to seerepparttar 132768 theme of your site, quickly identify its purpose and be enticed to stick around to find more about your company.

Your web site should also be informative. But don’t think that more information is better. The word “informative” in that sense implies more “educational” than “descriptive”. Educate your target audience about your company and its services- show them that you know about their problems and can offer an effective solution. Make your content easy to read and understandable. Don’t overload your visitors with technical details or they won’t read it at all.

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