Picky Eaters - The Dawn of Understanding

Written by Jason Katzenback

"In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn't danced on television." (Erma Bombeck, 1927-1996)

Once upon a time not so very long ago, you probably envisioned that your children would be good, healthy eaters while growing up. Naturally, they would like everything you placed before them onrepparttar dinner table, and would beg for seconds and sometimes thirds. However, because you are reading this article, that lovely bubble has most likely popped and disintegrated intorepparttar 144049 mess you may find yourself cleaning offrepparttar 144050 floor, table, or wherever your delicious entrees happen to land thanks to your picky eaters.

Keeping up with your child’s picky eating preferences can be frustrating, especially when one week he or she will only eat peanut-butter sandwiches, andrepparttar 144051 next cheese-covered French fries. Then, when he or she developsrepparttar 144052 nasty habit of putting catsup on everything - including ice cream – you may think you have reachedrepparttar 144053 ultimate level of gross-out.

Do not despair because eventually your picky eater child will become bored with that food of choice and move on to something else!

Many children undergo a period of highly selective eating, commonly referred to as “picky eaters.” The reality is that all children (not just what you might consider a picky eater child) do not haverepparttar 144054 same taste buds as adults. Instead, their palates are undeveloped and may be more sensitive to different textures, flavors, and spices.

Children At Risk --- 15 Ways Public Schools Can Harm Your Children

Written by Joel Turtel

Unfortunately, public schools, even inrepparttar "best" neighborhoods, can harm our kids in many ways. Here's a list of 15 ways public schools can hurt children (and parents):

1. Public schools cripple millions of children's ability to read by usingrepparttar 144048 "whole-language" instruction method (now called "balanced reading instruction" by many public schools).

2. Many public schools spend almost 50 percent ofrepparttar 144049 school day on non-academic subjects that waste children's precious time. The rest of their time is spent on classes such as sex-education, personal safety, consumer affairs, AIDS education, save-the-environment, family life, study halls, multiculturalism, homeroom, electives, counseling, or sports activities.

3. Public schools teach "new" or "fuzzy" math (sometimes called by different names). These instruction methods can cripple children's ability to learn basic arithmetic. Students who fear math are less likely to pursue good careers like computer science and engineering that depend on a love of and competence with math.

4. These schools force children to read dumbed-down textbooks in English, History, and many other subjects. The textbooks are often geared torepparttar 144050 slowest learners inrepparttar 144051 class and water-downrepparttar 144052 subject matter. Dumbed-down classes based on dumbed-down public-school textbooks therefore waste children's precious time. This is especially true for children who are quick learners, who must endure 12 years of excruciating boredom in public school classes.

5. Public schools force children to study subjects they might hate, can't learn, will never use in their lives, or which bore them. For example, many public schools force students to study a foreign language. Children learn better when they study subjects that interest them.

6. Author John Gatto, in his book "Dumbing Us Down" said that a child eager to learn can learn to read, write, and do basic arithmetic in about 100 hours. Yet our public schools keep children locked up for 12 years, yet can barely teach millions of kids to read.

7. Public schools force parents to pay heavy school taxes for an inferior, often mind-numbing education for their children.

8. Public schools are a government-controlled near-monopoly. Bad schools don't close down because compulsory taxes prop them up. Incompetent or mediocre teachers aren't fired because tenure laws protect them. That's why public schools will never improve and will always waste children's precious time.

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