Pickle Green or Passionate Puce? How to Select the Right Color for your Room!

Written by Pamela Cole Harris

Please consider this article for your ezine or website. Permission to reprint if byline stays intact. Courtesy copy required.

TITLE: Pickle Green or Passionate Puce? How to selectrepparttar right color for your room!

AUTHOR: Pamela Cole Harris

WORD COUNT: 521 WRAP: 65 URL:http://www.homeandgardenmakeover.com MAILTO:pacole3@homeandgardenmakeover.com

Pickle Green or Passionate Puce? How to selectrepparttar 100169 right color for your room!

by Pamela Cole Harris

Didrepparttar 100170 yellow paint in your room seem like a wonderful, sunny choice two years ago, but now reminds you of two day old eggs? Isrepparttar 100171 harvest orange seem trendy? The dusty plum seem elegant? And did that certain shade of green that seemed restful yesterday seem faintly reminiscent of moldy algae? Then it is time to findrepparttar 100172 right color for your room!

Here are some hints to help you make a choice:

1.Look at home improvement magazines, decorating magazines and architectural journals. Pick 5 or 6 color schemes that you like. Take those torepparttar 100173 paint store when shopping for paint chips. Takerepparttar 100174 chips home and live with them a bit before you make a decision.

2.Remember that lighting and shadows will make a color appear drastically different thanrepparttar 100175 color you expected. Take this into account when you pick out a paint color atrepparttar 100176 store. After you have lived withrepparttar 100177 paint chip for several days, bring a small can of your preferred color home and try a sample on each wall. View it at different times ofrepparttar 100178 day and with different lighting combinations.

3.If you don’t want to paintrepparttar 100179 walls, try painting a large piece of scrap wood or drywall. You can then lean it up againstrepparttar 100180 wall to decide if it is right.

Exorcising that Purple Passion! Removing Your Old Wallpaper

Written by Pamela Cole Harris

Please consider this article for your ezine or website. Permission to reprint if byline stays intact. Courtesy copy required.

TITLE: Exorcising that Purple Passion! Removing Your Old Wallpaper

AUTHOR: Pamela Cole Harris WORD COUNT: 554 WRAP: 65 URL:http://www.homeandgardenmakeover.com MAILTO:pacole3@homeandgardenmakeover.com

Exorcising that Purple Passion! Removing Your Old Wallpaper

What were you thinking? That wallpaper covered with a purple version of what seems to be paisley sperm was once cool. Now it’s just…regrettable! Definitely time for a change! To remove that old wallpaper, follow these tips:

1.As much as is practical, coverrepparttar floor and furniture with drop cloths, old sheets or discarded blankets. It’s a good idea to moverepparttar 100168 furniture intorepparttar 100169 center ofrepparttar 100170 room to make it easier to cover. 2.Start in any corner and try to peelrepparttar 100171 wallpaper off with your hands. Use a putty knife or a wallpaper scraper (you can actually BUY such a thing!). Pray that your wallpaper isrepparttar 100172 easy-peeling kind! 3.Ifrepparttar 100173 paper doesn’t peel off or if peelingrepparttar 100174 paper leaves behind its backing, it’s time to get outrepparttar 100175 serious tools – razor blades. Be really careful not to cut intorepparttar 100176 drywall underneath. 4.The next step is to wetrepparttar 100177 wall paper. You can use plain water, a commercial wall paper remover (wimp!) or water mixed with dishwashing liquid. Applyrepparttar 100178 water with a paint roller, squirt gun (Now THAT sounds like fun!) or a sponge. Just keep wettingrepparttar 100179 wall untilrepparttar 100180 glue behindsrepparttar 100181 wallpaper begins to loosen.

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