Pick a City - any City

Written by Stephen Bucaro

---------------------------------------------------------- Permission is granted forrepparttar below article to forward, reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as long as no changes are made andrepparttar 117407 byline, copyright, andrepparttar 117408 resource box below is included. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pick a City - any City

By Stephen Bucaro

Operating your own city guide onrepparttar 117409 Web can be interesting and very profitable. Almost every city already has at least one city guide. But there is always room for one more. For example, I live near Phoenix, Arizona. I could call my site "The Best Guide to Phoenix", "The Official Guide to Phoenix", or "The Complete Guide to Phoenix".

How do you generate revenue from a city guide? 1. You charge a fee to list restaurants, accommodations, and other businesses that are located inrepparttar 117410 city. 2. You sell books and videos aboutrepparttar 117411 city, and city souvenirs and mementos.

You should develop your city guide in phases.

Phase 1. Createrepparttar 117412 non-commercial sections ofrepparttar 117413 Web site. Some cities, like Chicago and New York, are popular for their cultural attractions. Some cities, like Phoenix, are popular for nearby natural attractions. Some cities are popular for their artisans, monuments, or history. Create an attractive front page that displays photographs related torepparttar 117414 unique attractions ofrepparttar 117415 city.

Develop an "Attractions" section of your Web site. You might also want to develop a "Maps" section. When you have a reasonable amount of content, begin promoting your city guide to start generating some traffic.

Phase 2. Createrepparttar 117416 commercial sections ofrepparttar 117417 Web site. You should develop an "Accommodations" section, a "Restaurants" section, and a "Businesses" section. You might also want to develop a "Search" section.

Contact allrepparttar 117418 large businesses that you want to list in your city guide and offer them free listing. Yes - free. In order to get things rolling, you will have to fill uprepparttar 117419 commercial sections by offering free listing. Don't tell them you are going start charging as soon as you getrepparttar 117420 sections filled out.

This is how you approachrepparttar 117421 business owners; "I'm developing a new city guide web site and I'm listing every important business inrepparttar 117422 city for free. Can you provide me with some information about your establishment?" People have less resistance to free, and this will get you access torepparttar 117423 decision makers ofrepparttar 117424 businesses.

Change Wood Into Gold

Written by Stephen Bucaro

----------------------------------------------------------- Permission is granted forrepparttar below article to forward, reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as long as no changes are made andrepparttar 117406 byline, copyright, andrepparttar 117407 resource box below is included. ----------------------------------------------------------- Change Wood Into Gold

By Stephen Bucaro

Today, everything is a cold plastic manufactured product. Inrepparttar 117408 "old days", everything was painstakingly hand-crafted from wood. People loverepparttar 117409 quality and warmth of hand-crafted wood products. If you like to work with your hands, you can profit fromrepparttar 117410 demand for these products.

If you are inexperienced with woodworking, you can start by making simple scroll saw puzzles and wood toys. You can see some examples ofrepparttar 117411 type of products you can make at http://home.att.net/~brad247 where Brad sell's them for $4.00 to $9.00.

You will find free downloadable patterns atrepparttar 117412 Skill Power Tools Web site: http://www.skil.com/projects/projects.htm or you can purchase patterns like "The Little Choo Choo" atrepparttar 117413 Wood Toys and Joys Web site: http://www.toysandjoys.com

When you get a little more skill, you can makerepparttar 117414 kind of products sold atrepparttar 117415 Wood Expression's Web site: http://www.woodexpression.com For example, they sell a 19 x 21 inch oak shelf for $30.00. The Wooden Wood Art Web site: http://www.woodlandmanufacturing.com sells beautiful wood letter signs for $4.00 to $5.00. They also sell custom personalized signs. Check out: http://familysigns.com where they sell cute crafty personalized wood signs for $10.00 and up.

When you advance to larger, higher quality work you might make products like those offered by The Woodcrafting Co. at http://www.thewoodcraftingco.com where they sell hardwood TV trays and display cases for $700.00 and more.

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