Photoshop Files and Formats

Written by Shaun Pearce

People often ask me: What image file formats will Photoshop open or save in? What arerepparttar advantages/disadvantages?

Photoshop hasrepparttar 138804 capability to open and save many different graphic files. Here are some ofrepparttar 138805 most popular ones.

Note: When you open an image file other than a Photoshop one, that image will default torepparttar 138806 background layer.

.psd, .pdd, .eps Photoshop File. This format preservesrepparttar 138807 information in allrepparttar 138808 layers. If you're going to continue working with a picture, this isrepparttar 138809 best format to use. File size can be quite large, however. Note: It is advisable to save your work inrepparttar 138810 most up to date Photoshop format available. For example: if you have Photoshop CS and are sent a Photoshop 7 file, you should save it as a Photoshop CS file to preserve any elements that may not be supported by Photoshop 7.

.jpg, .jpeg .jpe This format compressesrepparttar 138811 images, so that information (details and colour subtleties) are lost. You can choose how much you want to compressrepparttar 138812 image. Good format for use onrepparttar 138813 web. Small file sizes. Millions of colours.

tif, .tiff Common in use with early scanners. Will produce high quality images, but very large files. Not for use onrepparttar 138814 web.

.gif Pronounced both "Gif" and "Jif", this file is one ofrepparttar 138815 most popular for web graphics as it loads quickly. 8 bit format (256 colours max.). It has possibilities for transparent colour and animation.

.png New format for use onrepparttar 138816 web that is intended to replace both gif and jpeg. Compressed, millions of colours, transparencies. It compress in a different way than jpeg, and has advanced possibilities, such as alpha channel (opaque or partly transparent colours). The only trouble is: Internet Explorer doesn't support these! In 8 bit (256 colours) mode it compresses better than gif.

10 Things You Could Be Using Photoshop For But Probably Aren't.

Written by Shaun Pearce

Most people don't use Photoshop to its fullest capabilities. Here are just ten uses to which you could put this highly versatile software. 1. Restoring Old Photographs. Have a look through that old family photo album -repparttar really old one from up in Grandma's attic. Inside there are probably a few photos from way back when that haven't stoodrepparttar 138803 test of time so well. They've got cracks and tears that really spoil their appearance. Scan them into Photoshop, and then set to work withrepparttar 138804 Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, and Patch tools. The Healing Brush in particular is a great tool for this purpose as it samples data from one part ofrepparttar 138805 picture and blends it in with what's already there.

2. Correcting Mistakes. We've all done it: Had an attack of "finger overrepparttar 138806 lens syndrome," or got too close withrepparttar 138807 flash, so our subjects suffer from "red eye" and look like extras from a horror movie. Userepparttar 138808 crop tool to salvage something usable from your obscured photo, andrepparttar 138809 enlarge wizard to blow it up to a reasonable size. For "red eye" and "pet eye," userepparttar 138810 eyedropper tool to sample color from aroundrepparttar 138811 iris, and a brush to paint awayrepparttar 138812 red.

3. Adding Graphics to Videos. It's a little known fact, but many domestic and professional nonlinear editing systems (especiallyrepparttar 138813 Mac based ones like Avid or Final Cut) enable you to import Photoshop .psd files directly intorepparttar 138814 timeline. 4. Creating Text Effects for Print and Web. There's an almost unlimited amount of things you can do with text in Photoshop. Userepparttar 138815 Type Mask Tools to create picture filled text, then uploadrepparttar 138816 results to your web page - or print them out for a one of a kind T-shirt. 5. Turning a Photo Into a Work of Art. Everyone likes to have nice things to look at. Most of us like to have pictures onrepparttar 138817 wall, and something that looks different from what other people have on their walls is a definite plus. Unless you're blessed with artistic talent, though, this can be very expensive - until now. Use one of Photoshop's many Artistic or Brush Stroke filters to turn your photos into "new masters," then print them out on quality art paper.

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