Photographing Kids

Written by A.Charlotte Riley

Kids grow up so quickly and while we are often left with countless memories, most parents have only a drawer packed with school photos, blurry holiday snaps andrepparttar forced grin ofrepparttar 110699 inevitable yearly birthday picture to account forrepparttar 110700 years gone by.

It’s time to stop bemoaningrepparttar 110701 latest photograph of your thumb obscuring your adorable baby and get on with improving your skills as a photographer.

Why should you bother whenrepparttar 110702 near-by mall has a perfectly good photo studio, you ask? Photographing children poses specific challenges but yields numerous rewards.

While it can be frustrating when you miss that spontaneous moment, it is also highly satisfying when you manage to capturerepparttar 110703 joy in their faces as they dance inrepparttar 110704 summer’s first sun shower. Capturingrepparttar 110705 day-to-day moments will provide a treasure trove of memories that you will cherish forever.

As well, your own images take on a more personal feel and a more meaningful connection, something that can never be achieved in a generic mall photography studio.

Follow these easy steps and immediately improve your snaps ofrepparttar 110706 kids.

Making The Unusual Usual

Friends with children often say to me “My child always pulls faces forrepparttar 110707 camera and I can’t get a picture without little Johnny sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes.” Kids --and many adults as well-- are prone to hamming it up forrepparttar 110708 camera, however, they will be more natural ifrepparttar 110709 camera is a part of their everyday life instead of brought out once or twice a year. By making it a regular part of their lives, it will increaserepparttar 110710 comfort level and encourage portraits that are more natural. Try bringing outrepparttar 110711 camera once or twice a week and focusing it on your kids. They will become accustomed to having it around and it will give you a chance to practice your technique, too. And, if they still clown around forrepparttar 110712 camera, get intorepparttar 110713 swing of things and enjoy it. Little monkey faces are a part of childhood!

Kids’ Eye View

As adults, we look one another inrepparttar 110714 eye and photograph our friends at eye level. Dorepparttar 110715 same for your children. Bend down on one knee or sit onrepparttar 110716 floor to get a picture that reflects a child’s perspective. To add a little excitement, have fun playing with perspective by shootingrepparttar 110717 image fromrepparttar 110718 ground up. Lie down onrepparttar 110719 ground and taking a picture from that viewpoint. Suddenly toddlers become giants and we can witnessrepparttar 110720 world as they see it, by looking up.

Patience, Patience!

Small children have a limit of two or three minutes before they become bored with Mummy or Daddy’s photo session. The urge to run off and play becomes just too much! Don’t force kids to stay in one place for long, unless you like pictures of sullen little faces. If you are taking a formal portraiture-style photo be sure to plan ahead forrepparttar 110721 best possible results. Check your batteries, make sure there is film inrepparttar 110722 camera and if you are using a digital camera see that there is space onrepparttar 110723 memory card. Provide your toddler or small child with a prop, like a ball or a favourite toy to help create a more natural expression, instead ofrepparttar 110724 one that says, “Just hurry up and take my picture, Mom!” Keep it fun and stress-free.

3 Key Ways to Keep Child Support Funds Flowing

Written by Detra D. Davis

If you are one ofrepparttar millions of parents who receive sporadic child support payments, here are three strategies you can use to improverepparttar 110698 untimely receipt of child support payments.

Caution: These strategies will not work for everyone, but remember nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

1. If you are to receive child support payments, insistrepparttar 110699 paying parent buy a life insurance policy coveringrepparttar 110700 term ofrepparttar 110701 payments, naming you asrepparttar 110702 owner and beneficiary. Your “ex” will be unable to changerepparttar 110703 beneficiary without your agreement. Try to have this court ordered atrepparttar 110704 timerepparttar 110705 child support order is established.

2. Take action if delinquent parents are consistently late or refuse to pay child support altogether. You may need an attorney or intervention from your local child support enforcement agency.

A measure you may want to take before seeking legal assistance is offering to renegotiaterepparttar 110706 amount ofrepparttar 110707 child support order. This may sound unfair, even unheard of, but understand that ifrepparttar 110708 amount set byrepparttar 110709 court does not realistically allowrepparttar 110710 paying parent to maintain a decent standard of living,repparttar 110711 parent is more opt to stop working or leaverepparttar 110712 state. The question you must ask: Is it better to receive a slightly less amount consistently or a larger amount inconsistently or not at all. You andrepparttar 110713 paying parent arerepparttar 110714 only ones who will know if this option would work.

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