Philosophy and cancer treatment

Written by Simon Mitchell

1000 years ago in Europe pre-Christian tribes originally had a Goddess culture - a matriarchy whererepparttar earth and nature and their cycles and secrets were revered. In pre-industrial societies illness was not seen as a 'random assault from outside' but as a deeply significant life event integral torepparttar 147751 sufferer's whole being - spiritual, moral, physical and life course - past, present and future. Dis-ease was interpreted as packed with moral, spiritual and religious messages as one ofrepparttar 147752 many ways through which 'God revealed his will to mankind'. Other philosophies of medicine such as Ayurvedic or Tibetan think similarly, in these, dis-ease has a karmic aspect.

Aroundrepparttar 147753 tenth century in Europe - afterrepparttar 147754 so called 'Dark Ages' - women,repparttar 147755 original stewards ofrepparttar 147756 land (men did 'animal husbandry'), were dispossessed of it byrepparttar 147757 new patriarchies ofrepparttar 147758 Church and State. This male hierarchy hidrepparttar 147759 things they were most afraid of, namelyrepparttar 147760 fact that it is women who holdrepparttar 147761 key torepparttar 147762 processes and powers of life. They took them as their own, decreeing laws about how we should behave to impose control and inventing 'original sin'. Allied to this there came a prolonged persecution of women, especially any of those involved in healing. Some sources estimate about 5 - 9 million women were destroyed across Europe during this persecution. Essentiallyrepparttar 147763 role of women as healers and midwives was discouraged and 'home-making' and its many associated skills is still regarded as a 'worthless' career according to our primarily fiscal values based on GDP.

When a patriarchy takes over a matriarchy as a fundamental paradigm shift, one ofrepparttar 147764 main things that happens is that 'healing' and 'spirituality' are separated out as an instrument of control. The world of spirit and physic were separated and became even more so duringrepparttar 147765 great male 'Age of Reason' that began with Descartes and continued with Newton,repparttar 147766 tail-end of which many are presently clinging to in desperation and a degree of applied self-interest.

Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650) was a central influence onrepparttar 147767 17th century revolution that began modern science and philosophy. His 'Method of Doubt' was published in 1637: "I resolved to reject as false everything in which I could imaginerepparttar 147768 least doubt, in order to see if there afterwards remained anything that was entirely indubitable".

The philosophy of 'Cartesian dualism' became part of our science, whererepparttar 147769 mind andrepparttar 147770 body are seen as essentially separate. The 'self',repparttar 147771 conscious being that is 'me' was seen as essentially non-physical. Misguidedly (it was not Descartes intention) this philosophy contributed torepparttar 147772 mechanistic and rational philosophy ofrepparttar 147773 universe adopted by our culture. Descartes was one ofrepparttar 147774 first people to suggest that phenomena could be understood by breaking them down into constituent parts and examining each minutely. His view ofrepparttar 147775 human body as a machine functioning within a mechanistic universe took prevalence withinrepparttar 147776 'Age of Reason'.

"Considerrepparttar 147777 human body as a machine. My thought compares a sick man and an ill-made clock with my idea of a healthy man and a well made clock".

This attention to analytical detail is still atrepparttar 147778 heart of our scientific research methodologies. As a result Western medicine has produced 'World saving' vaccines and antibiotics. It has created drugs and surgical techniques that do utterly amazing things. It has virtually eliminated allrepparttar 147779 serious communicable diseases (inrepparttar 147780 First World) such as leprosy, plague, tuberculosis, tetanus, syphilis, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, meningitis, polio, septicaemia. There are very few women dying in childbirth compared torepparttar 147781 past. Western medicine has been, and is, a triumph inrepparttar 147782 face of these problems which worried us back thenrepparttar 147783 way cancer and heart disease worry us today. Evenrepparttar 147784 big medical problems ofrepparttar 147785 of 1930's and 40's have literally vanished.

The Proper Cleaning of Hard Contact Lenses

Written by Tim Gorman

Hard contact lenses are made of a material called polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). It is rigid and unlike soft contact lenses, does not contain much water. For this reasonrepparttar cleaning and upkeep of hard contact lenses differs somewhat from that of their soft counterparts.

Upon purchasing a pair of hard lenses, it is important to be sure that asrepparttar 147730 wearer, you have an extremely good understanding of how to care for your hard lenses. High on your list of priorities should be your choice of hard contact lens cleaner.

It goes without saying that before handling your hard lenses you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. An antibacterial soap isrepparttar 147731 most appropriate choice but any will do just as long as it doesn't contain fragrance.

Next step is to removerepparttar 147732 lens from your eye with utmost care and gingerly put it inrepparttar 147733 center of your hand. Now it's time to get out your hard contact lens cleaner. Takerepparttar 147734 lens cleaner and apply approximately two to four drops (depending on how dirty it is) torepparttar 147735 lens. In a delicate manner workrepparttar 147736 solution intorepparttar 147737 hard lens for a period of around thirty seconds. Don't overdo it or you could tearrepparttar 147738 lens.

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