Pet Predicaments

Written by dan the roommate man

When you're choosing a pet, you never considerrepparttar mark that your new dog or cat is going to make on your home ... literally. Even if you manage to housebreak your pet with complete success, you'll find evidence of your furry friend throughoutrepparttar 110468 house -- from hair on your bedspread to snags in your sofa torepparttar 110469 slight stench that's been hanging inrepparttar 110470 dining room ever since Fido shook himself dry after a romp inrepparttar 110471 rain.

If your furniture is dark and your pet has white, orange or another light-color fur, you've got your work cut out for you. There's nothing worse than approaching a sofa covered in hair, which then transfers to your own clothing. To pick up what your pets leave behind, dampen a cloth (don't saturate it), and run it overrepparttar 110472 surface of your sofa, bedspread or chair cushion. This isrepparttar 110473 easiest way to pick uprepparttar 110474 majority of that fur and restore your furniture to top condition. You can also use a piece of masking tape. To avoid using multiple strips and experiencingrepparttar 110475 frustration of havingrepparttar 110476 tape tangle up, try wrapping a piece around your hand, sticky side out. Of course, you can always use a brush or tool on your vacuum cleaner to remove pet hair from your furniture, but that takes more time and often isn't as effective.

Pet stains are a tricky area. Due torepparttar 110477 combination of a high protein diet and their hormones, male cats are consideredrepparttar 110478 worst offenders, followed by female cats and then dogs (dogs tend to have diets higher in carbohydrates, which means less offensive odors). If your dog or cat had an accident on a washable surface -- a cushion with a removable slipcover, an item of clothing, a pillowcase or bedspread, for example -- you may continue to smell what your pet left behind even after you've runrepparttar 110479 item throughrepparttar 110480 cycle of your washing machine. Try adding some white vinegar in your next cycle along with your laundry detergent. The vinegar should cut any residual odors.

If your pet had an accident onrepparttar 110481 carpet, you're facing a challenge. Generally speaking, if you findrepparttar 110482 accident and cleanrepparttar 110483 affected area immediately, you can restore your carpet to its previous condition. If you do noticerepparttar 110484 spot soon afterrepparttar 110485 crime has been committed, blotrepparttar 110486 stain using a white paper towel (colored paper towels might bleed into your carpet, makingrepparttar 110487 spot even more noticeable). After you've blottedrepparttar 110488 area as much as you can (you may even consider placing something heavy on top ofrepparttar 110489 paper towel to help speed uprepparttar 110490 absorption process), riserepparttar 110491 area using a household cleaning solution containing ammonia. Blotrepparttar 110492 area again with another white paper towel, and then rise again using a solution of diluted white vinegar. Blotrepparttar 110493 area again. Then, tear off a few fresh paper towels, and place them overrepparttar 110494 spot with something heavy on top (a stack of books, a wine bottle, etc.). Leave them there for several hours to ensure thatrepparttar 110495 spot is dried thoroughly.

If your pet is clever and chooses a low-traffic spot that you don't find until several hours later or evenrepparttar 110496 next day, you might experience faded carpet (your pet's mess actually bleachesrepparttar 110497 carpet) or a stubborn odor. Depending onrepparttar 110498 dye used in your carpet, you might see a fading or other type of color change in your carpet. This is particularly true ifrepparttar 110499 spot has time to sit, and your pet's "accident" has had considerable time to seep through torepparttar 110500 bottom lining of your carpet. Ifrepparttar 110501 stain sits for several days or even weeks, not only willrepparttar 110502 dye discoloration become permanent;repparttar 110503 fibers of your carpet will begin to weaken and deteriorate. The area aroundrepparttar 110504 spot -- and evenrepparttar 110505 room itself on a hot summer afternoon -- will take on a strong, acidic odor, reminiscent of ammonia. The bad news is that there's not much you can do about that smell. Adding torepparttar 110506 problem is thatrepparttar 110507 presence of urine inrepparttar 110508 fibers of your carpet attracts bacteria inrepparttar 110509 carpet and its padding. Unfortunately, attempting to wetrepparttar 110510 area with various household cleaners will probably intensify, not diminish,repparttar 110511 odor.

8 Tips To Save On Child Care Costs

Written by Jeffrey Strain

Child care costs are are one ofrepparttar most expensive costs associated with going back to work. Finding ways to cut down on child care costs without sacrificing quality child care is a top priority for all working parents. Here are a few ideas that can help trim your child care costs without sacrificing child care quality:

See if your employer has a child care flexible spending account. This is a special account thatrepparttar 110467 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - - created that allows you to set aside money for child care expenses with pre-tax dollars. You ask your employer to take out a certain amount of money each month from your paycheck and you can use this money tax free for child care related expenses.

Inquire if your company has partnerships or offers discounts for certain child care provider services. some larger companies will sometimes negotiate discount plans with local child care providers to help offset child care costs.

See if your public school district offers a half day pre-kindergarten program for 4-year-olds. These programs are usually free and by signing-up your child, it will reduce your child care needs to a half day from a full day.

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