Persuasive Communication

Written by Robert F. Abbott

Is all communication persuasive? Sometimes, it seems it is. Atrepparttar least, we can say much of our communication includes a persuasion component.

Consider this article, which takes an editorial rather than an overtly persuasive approach. Yet,repparttar 108095 underlying premise is that strategic communication works more effectively than communication without a conscious purpose. So, I'm trying to persuade you that one approach (the strategic) to communication works better than another.

Consider, too,repparttar 108096 three most intriguing words inrepparttar 108097 English language: "I love you." Atrepparttar 108098 same time, these words can be both self-sacrificing and self-serving. Inrepparttar 108099 self-serving sense, we userepparttar 108100 words because we want something fromrepparttar 108101 person to whom we've uttered them.

Given our need to persuade through communication, let's explore a key starting point for gettingrepparttar 108102 results we want.

Because persuasive communication focuses onrepparttar 108103 other person, we need to have that other person firmly in our sights when we write or speak. In other words, communication will be most persuasive when we buildrepparttar 108104 message aroundrepparttar 108105 other person, rather than ourselves.

So, if you want to persuade me to do something, your communication should focus on my response. And to get a response from me, you'll have to addressrepparttar 108106 issues in my terms, not your terms.

In sales and marketing, this idea is well developed. Copywriters and others know their chances of getting a sale go up dramatically when they communicate benefits. They point out howrepparttar 108107 reader or listener will come out ahead by buying or using their products. "Buy this shampoo and you'll have a more active social life," for example.

Copywriting Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

Written by Karon Thackston

by Karon Thackston © 2004

I was in shock. Honestly, I shook my head when I read his email. I meant no disrespect; I just couldn’t believe he really felt that way.

“Karon, I want you to writerepparttar sales letter for my site. How much will it cost me?” read his note. After looking at his home page and evaluating his target audience, I didn’t feel a sales letter would berepparttar 108094 best type of copy for his site. When I sent him my suggestion he replied with something alongrepparttar 108095 lines of, “No sales letter? What other kind of copy is there?”

Was he a fan of sales letters? No, not especially. Did his question come with a sarcastic tone? No, it was a genuine question. A lot of what he had been exposed to online was sales letters. So much so that he thought this wasrepparttar 108096 *only* type of copy to have on a website. That’s what allrepparttar 108097 “gurus” were telling him, so it must be true. Even though he had been to countless sites that did not have sales letters, he never realizedrepparttar 108098 differences.

I pointed him to several sites that had a wide range of copy to show him some ofrepparttar 108099 other styles.

Catalog Copy - (one of my favorite types to write!)

Long Sales Copy -

Short Sales Copy -

Brochure Copy -

Shopping Cart Copy - (works especially well for books)

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