Personal fitness goals and keeping them.

Written by Kevin Doberstein CFT

Title Personal fitness goals and keeping them.

Keywords Personal fitness goals

Description An article discussing keepingrepparttar bodybuilding diet and fat loss New Year resolutions that you promised atrepparttar 112921 beginning ofrepparttar 112922 year.

Feel free to use this article for your web site or e-zine as long you includerepparttar 112923 author bio and make sure all links are live and working. Please don’t change anything inrepparttar 112924 article. You do not have to notify me if you userepparttar 112925 article but it would nice if you did. 25 years of blood, sweat and tears literally go into my articles, please be courteous back. If you can’t abide byrepparttar 112926 guidelines, don’t use my article! I wish yourepparttar 112927 best success if you use my article. This article is copyright protected by ©Nature Boy Bodybuilding 2005. Thanks so much! Kevinrepparttar 112928 Nature Boy.

Article Fall of last year you figured a donut once in an awhile or some other fat and sugar laden nasty food wouldn’t hurt. Your excuse it is the” muscle-bulking season” or you will ”work it off”. The next thing you know your waist measurement is almostrepparttar 112929 same size of your chest. You look inrepparttar 112930 mirror and you see your v-taper look like a square block. You say to your self “whatrepparttar 112931 heck happen to all my hard work inrepparttar 112932 gym?” Well all of your hard work is still there if you have been training hard, but it is covered in fat. My better half, my wife once asked me when I was expecting? At that moment, I knew it was time to shedrepparttar 112933 fat.

Wellrepparttar 112934 first thing to do is to make a final personal goal. For example,repparttar 112935 abdominal muscles showing by May. But to start you need to start with other goals to build torepparttar 112936 main final goal. These could include;

Physical Well Goals. This could be working up to 30 minutes of physical activity daily to start. Light stretching to makerepparttar 112937 muscles feel good. Maybe adding some sit ups to strengthenrepparttar 112938 core.

Physique goals. After achieving your physical well goals you can start adding more demanding goals such as reducing your fat percentage. Add aerobic fitness of 30 minutes to your workout schedule. Or maybe start a weight resistance program.

Performance accomplishment goals. This could include small goals in your weight resistance program such as benching a certain amount. Or runningrepparttar 112939 mile in a certain time. This is where you placerepparttar 112940 goal of seeing your abdominal muscles by May.

Five Ways to Fit Fitness Into Your Life

Written by Rick DeToma

Everyone is pressed for time these days. It does not have to mean that fitness can't be a part of your life. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can begin to make positive changes to your body.

People often have an all or nothing idea about exercise. They feel that if they can't fit in an hour of exercise that they will do nothing instead.

Successful exercisers make fitness an important part of their lives. Try scheduling your time to exercise like you would any other appointment.

If you are struggling to fit exercise into your day, try these fitness tips: 1. Tackle one body part per day and perform as many reps as it takes to reach failure. Or set a rep goal for yourself and do as many sets as it takes to reach your goal.

2. Exercise while you watch TV. (Don't just sit there, DO something.) Why not do some crunches, or leg extensions while watchingrepparttar tube? How about some lunges? Anything yo can do in a gym sitting down, you can do at home sitting down in front ofrepparttar 112920 tube.

3. Superset your workouts. Put two exercises together and perform them one after another with no rest in between. You can either do a mixed superset of an upper and lower move combined, or you can choose two opposing muscle groups like chest and back.

4. Combine 2 moves into 1. Any time you perform a lower body exercise and your arms are not involved you miss out on a time-saving opportunity.

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