Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Written by Dan R. Vella

A key principle of marketing is to find something unique about what you offer asrepparttar basis of your sales message. Even if what you offer is a commodity, there is always one thing unique in your business -- you.

A big error made by many Real Estate Agents and Brokers is to try to develop an institutional image like most big companies. People do not like to do business with institutions; they like to do business with people.

In advertising terms, branding isrepparttar 120042 "image" created inrepparttar 120043 minds of people when they see or hear a name, product or logo. Companies invest a lot of money in creating and maintaining their brand, butrepparttar 120044 Internet has sparked a new trend called "Personal Branding".

Personal branding isn't only important for promoting a product, business or political cause, but also for promoting yourself for advancement within your own organization. It involves developing your personal reputation.

Branding can be done to any product, or any person. Before undertaking an exercise in personal branding, however, consider your distinctive strengths and abilities and what they offerrepparttar 120045 market place. Traditionally personal branding was for sporting celebrities who gained enormous coverage and following through their sporting prowess. Movie stars have also had celebrity status and association since movies began.

A personal brand is about creating strong, favorable associations inrepparttar 120046 minds of people that you encounter. If you don’t actively do this, they will still make associations. Therefore, it may be better to be proactive and undertake repparttar 120047 branding exercise for yourself, you cannot control what they think but can give them some information to assist withrepparttar 120048 associations.


- Places you in a leadership role

- Enhances prestige

- Attractsrepparttar 120049 right people and right opportunities

- Adds perceived value to what you are selling

- Earns recognition

- Associates you with a trend

- Increases your earning potential

- Differentiate yourself fromrepparttar 120050 competition

- Position your focused message inrepparttar 120051 hearts and minds of your target customers

- Confers top of mind status

- Increases authority and credence of decisions


Like any branding exercise,repparttar 120052 key to personal branding is having a good product, one which you understand and pitch torepparttar 120053 right market. The first step in personal branding is knowing who you are, find out what strengths your brand possesses and how these strengths can help you. Personal branding is not about presenting a façade torepparttar 120054 public; a poor product will not stand up to market scrutiny. This is also a choice of brand elements, people you deal with,repparttar 120055 look that you have, and how you conduct yourself. Once this has been done, determine what you are going to offer. As a product what do you do, what need doesrepparttar 120056 product of you satisfy inrepparttar 120057 market. Next figure outrepparttar 120058 position you will take in repparttar 120059 audience of your mind. What unique space do you wish to occupy and what unique associations do you want people to recall when they think of you?

Finally, once you have establishedrepparttar 120060 first three steps, manage your brand over its lifecycle. That is keep visible, be consistent and be yourself. According to Montoya,repparttar 120061 well-known personal branding guru,repparttar 120062 key to managing your personal brand is word-of-mouth (WOM),repparttar 120063 most trusted form of communication.

How does one go about building a personal brand? Recognize your personal strengths and gifts! Think about how you best connect with people, consider what your target audience needs and wants, identifyrepparttar 120064 value you deliver to meet those needs and wants, and communicate in a way that reaches your constituents in their hearts and minds and viarepparttar 120065 channels that work best for you

Fixed Point of Reference

Written by Sandi Moses

By: Sandi Moses

According to author Frank Peretti, "A fixed point of reference for human beings is always something that is found outside themselves. It has to be something to which we can always come back. If we try to haul our point of reference around with us, we have lost it because it has been moved and we can never refer back to it." He tells a story of being in a dark room with only a chair. As long asrepparttar chair stays put, it can be used as a point of reference. If it gets picked up and carried around, it no longer serves that function, because it isn’t where it used to be. In our personal lives, having God as a fixed point of reference means that whenever we need guidance, we can turn torepparttar 120041 Bible for advice and know thatrepparttar 120042 advice we get today will not change tomorrow or next week or next month or next year. God isrepparttar 120043 same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is our "fixed point of reference." The rules stayrepparttar 120044 same;repparttar 120045 Ten Commandments have not changed. There are still ten of them and they have not weakened into "suggestions." AND, God still makesrepparttar 120046 rules. Inrepparttar 120047 world of internet marketing,repparttar 120048 search engines makerepparttar 120049 rules. Internet marketers spend countless hours and dollars designing their web sites to pleaserepparttar 120050 search engine "gods" in order to get a high ranking and bring in traffic which results in sales. The problem with that isrepparttar 120051 search engines are likerepparttar 120052 chair that doesn’t stay put inrepparttar 120053 darkened room. The rules keep changing. People who have invested everything to make a web site pleasing torepparttar 120054 search engine "gods" suddenly haverepparttar 120055 rug pulled out from under their feet, and find themselves not only unranked, but in some cases actually banned! Their web sites didn’t change. Their marketing strategies didn’t change. Through no fault of their own and without any warning,repparttar 120056 rules changed, leaving them high and hung out to dry. They then scramble to change their sites, change their strategies, spend megabucks to advertise, do anything to regainrepparttar 120057 income that was stripped from them. Of course, there is no guarantee thatrepparttar 120058 same won’t happen again. And again. And again.

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