PerfectionWritten by Charlie Badenhop
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERFECTION by Charlie Badenhop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Om. This is perfect. That is perfect. From perfect, comes perfect. If from perfect perfect is taken away, Only perfect remains. Om, peace, peace, peace." This sense of perfection, is inherent blessing that exists as essence of everything. This sense of perfection is present at all times and doesn't require any healing or learning or change to take place. This sense of perfection is dynamic rather than static, and welcomes necessary ongoing changes of life. This is kind of perfection that we will be working with and hoping to experience in our time together. In every day life "perfection" is often thought of as an unachievable "external" ideal, and pursuing this kind of perfection usually leads to ongoing dissatisfaction, as we constantly find something that is not quite "right" that needs to be fixed before everything will be OK. External perfection is static and it can actually be damaging to a supportive concept of self. Being a perfectionist can be a generative action IF in a healthy Michael Jordan kind of manner we challenge ourselves to achieve ever greater results by having high ideals that are never quite attained, even as we respect and appreciate all that we have already accomplished through our hard work, dedication, and connection to, our unchanging perfection.
| | Turn Your Problems Into ProjectsWritten by Jan Tincher
Do you have a problem? Here is a simple way to turn it around. Listen up, OK?Take your problem and write it out. Now, as you're writing it out, there will be a few sentences. Take sentences and number them, and leave a space behind each of them. Now, what do you have? You have a project! How do you feel when you say you have a project? Not nearly as bad as you do when you say you have a problem, do you? Now, go back and call it a problem. How do you feel? Bad, right? It's a good thing you know what to do, isn't it? We all learn from our mistakes, and our biggest mistake might just have been to use word problem. What has it ever done for us, except make us feel bad. Our goal in this lifetime is to make sure we don't feel bad unless we absolutely, positively have to. And that should never happen unless you take a poll of 100 people to see how many would call it a problem. Of course, in that poll 100% of them have to say it was a problem. Now, go ahead and change all your problems to projects and let good times roll.