Percolators vs. ADM's

Written by Cathy O

When I was a college student, coffee was my stimulant of choice. I spent many a night right beside my electric percolator, carefully measuringrepparttar water and ground beans to insure onlyrepparttar 147370 best cuppa joe.

Now that I am a busy working woman, I userepparttar 147371 ADM (Automatic Drip method). Though more efficient thanrepparttar 147372 old trusty percolator, there is something missing, something that only can be found in those percolated cups of yore.

There is a certain richness that only a percolator can provide. Let's briefly explorerepparttar 147373 method that each uses to illustrate this point.

According torepparttar 147374 website, "the Percolator is one ofrepparttar 147375 most familiar methods of brewing coffee. It works by filtering boiling water throughrepparttar 147376 coffee grounds over and over. Many people still enjoy this old favorite, especially when it is used with very mild coffees."

There are three types of percolators, Stovetop, Electric and Cordless Electric. There is a drawback to using a stove top percolator. If not carefully attended to, there isrepparttar 147377 tendency toward bitterness from "prolonged overboiling."

ADM's work by simply dripping a stream of water over filtered grounds so thatrepparttar 147378 coffee "leaches" through and intorepparttar 147379 pot below. The drawback here is that you can use too little or two much of either coffee or water making either enought bite to put hair on your chest or not enough of a bite to sprout peach fuzz.

Once gaining expertise inrepparttar 147380 use of either one, however, andrepparttar 147381 drawbacks disappear. Your hooked on one orrepparttar 147382 other and searchrepparttar 147383 world over forrepparttar 147384 machine that will give yourepparttar 147385 best cuppa joe you can get outsiderepparttar 147386 walls of Dunkin Donuts.

Inuit Stone Sculptures From The Arctic North

Written by Clint Leung

When most people think about stone sculptures, it’s probably giant pieces of abstract art located outside large buildings or perhaps inside a famous art gallery or museum. Sometimes people think of stone sculptures asrepparttar ancient Roman or Greek mythological characters like Apollo, Venus or Zeus. For contemporary fine art, many see stone sculpture only for serious collectors or forrepparttar 147236 rich and famous to display in their well kept mansions. Most individuals, even avid art fans, rarely think about or are even aware of Inuit stone sculptures fromrepparttar 147237 Canadian Arctic north.

The Inuit people (formerly referred to as Eskimos in Canada) have been carving stone sculptures for thousands of years but it was only introduced as fine art torepparttar 147238 modern world on a significant scale duringrepparttar 147239 1950s. Today, Inuit stone sculptures have gained international recognition as a valid form of contemporary fine art. Even so, most people who are aware of Inuit stone sculptures are those who have visited Canada inrepparttar 147240 past and got exposed to this interesting form of aboriginal art while visiting Canadian museums or galleries.

If you haven’t seen Inuit stone sculpture, there’s a lot to offer fromrepparttar 147241 Canadian Arctic. The Inuit do some very realistic sculptures ofrepparttar 147242 Arctic wildlife they are so intimately familiar with. These include seals, walruses, birds and of course,repparttar 147243 mighty polar bears. Human subjects depictingrepparttar 147244 Inuit Arctic lifestyle are also popular as stone sculptures. One can see pieces showing hunters, fisherman and even Inuit mothers with their children. The stone sculptures can come in a variety of different colors including black, brown, grey, white and green. Some pieces are highly polished and shiny while others retainrepparttar 147245 rougher, primitive look. Styles can vary depending upon where inrepparttar 147246 Arcticrepparttar 147247 Inuit sculptors are located.

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