People Pleasing Postcards

Written by David Phillips

Why are more businesses turning to full-color postcards as a key form of promotion? The biggest reason isrepparttar simplest: You don’t have to open a postcard. It won’t get lumped in with allrepparttar 119768 direct mail envelopes that people toss without opening.

Ifrepparttar 119769 postcard shows a very glossy, well-photographed picture of an attractive product,repparttar 119770 recipient will very likely look atrepparttar 119771 picture and turn it over to see who sent it. She/he might well put it aside and think, “Next time I’m nearrepparttar 119772 store, I’ll go in and have a look.” The postcard often sits out as an easy reminder of your store or business.

Cutting Costs on Mailings

Whenrepparttar 119773 economy is a bit shaky, you should increase promotion to keep your name inrepparttar 119774 minds of customers, but you also have to keep down your costs. To get maximum return for your marketing dollar, you can mail postcards up to 4 1/4 by 6 inches for between 17.5¢ and 19.5¢ each first class (the cheapest letter rate is 19¢ - 24¢). If you findrepparttar 119775 right company, you’ll likely be able to have 5,000 postcards printed for less than $400.

Findingrepparttar 119776 Right Company

Most businesses don’t have in-house marketing departments, so find a postcard company to help you. A postcard company can handle your mailing and save you money. It makes most of its profits from printing, not from consulting, selling, mailing lists and mailing, so it can often find you better deals on such services. The company should:

Why Google Needs You Right Now

Written by Ted Kushner

Let me ask you a simple question- what do you think isrepparttar number one driving force behindrepparttar 119767 enormous success of Google?

While you're pondering this for awhile- and may even think of a variety of answers to this question-repparttar 119768 bottom line to it is this- Google continually strives to serve uprepparttar 119769 best relevant content to its customers then its nearest competitors and it usually does.

Content that is provided daily by thousands of web masters, marketers and experts from a variety of fields and industries acrossrepparttar 119770 globe.

Content that could be- provided by yourself if you are one ofrepparttar 119771 smart ones that is using Google to your benefit.

Anyone that has been marketing onrepparttar 119772 internet for knows that Google loves content- andrepparttar 119773 morerepparttar 119774 better. But it should be quality content that informs their customers on subjects of their interests.

So, if you are one ofrepparttar 119775 ones who is providing it to them and answering their customers questions- Google will in turn reward you by listing your content high in their natural search engine results for some of your content as long as it is relevant for that subject.

The more relevantrepparttar 119776 content-repparttar 119777 higher your ranking will be on that subject.

Providing this content isn't difficult either. There is a multitude of information you can write about by just visiting some ofrepparttar 119778 article banks online to get ideas on different subjects. It can be on anything like health, finances, business techniques or web promotion.

Once you get a few ideas to write about, you can then use this information to provide content for:

* Articles dealing with subjects that are informative or solve a problem.

* Top 5 or top 10 lists that are easy to construct.

Like "Top 5 Ways to Market Affiliate Products Online" or "Ten Easy Ways To Lose Weight This Year"

* Press releases that inform about new web sites, products, services or announcements. Press releases usually get picked up quickly byrepparttar 119779 online news outlets and then have a tendency to be added torepparttar 119780 natural search engines listings shortly there after.

So you see, getting a top ten position in Google is actually quiet easy to achieve- if you know how. Once you do know how- then you can take advantage ofrepparttar 119781 system by partnering with Google.

Because in essence that is what you have become- Google's partner. You are providing them with what they want and need in satisfying their customer's demands- while you end up benefiting fromrepparttar 119782 increase in traffic to your site by beingrepparttar 119783 one supplying them withrepparttar 119784 information.

So, while other web masters are paying SEO firms top dollars trying to optimize their sites for better search engine positioning, or slaving hours away changing keyword densities and monitoring rankings- you could be implementing a few steps in supplyingrepparttar 119785 search engines with what they really want and need.

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