Pennies On The Dollar - Buying Audio Software Smart. Part 9

Written by David D. Deprice

Audio Record Wizard

Audio Record Wizard is a real-time sound recorder, offering professional recording features with full mp3 support.

The sound recorder program is designed to work directly with your sound card, so can record almost all audio from your sound card at near-perfect quality. You can record sound from a microphone, line-in, and just about any other programs (such as winamp, realplay, windows media player and others).

Direct to disk feature allows you to record sound without running out of memory. Audio Record Wizard can also record directly torepparttar mp3 format if you choose, saving you valuable disk space. You can selectrepparttar 138243 different mp3 recording modes as required.

The Pros And Cons Of "Bid Gaps"

Written by Stan Hauser


When doing Pay Per Click Advertising you'll often see "Bid Gaps" emerge amongrepparttar cost per clicks ofrepparttar 138148 keywords you're bidding on. For example,repparttar 138149 top three positions forrepparttar 138150 keyword "Mortgage" may be listed as:

Position # 1 $1.00 Position # 2 $.79 Position # 3 $.78 In this examplerepparttar 138151 advertiser inrepparttar 138152 #1 position is overpaying for their traffic. They could lower their bid to $.80 and still maintain their #1 position, while saving $.20 on each click.

Why Bid Gaps Appear:

Often times advertisers inrepparttar 138153 top position want to put distance between themselves and their competition to avoid having to check each day to see if they're still inrepparttar 138154 #1 position. Sometimes when companies upload keywords into their Pay Per Click Advertising program they set all their bids torepparttar 138155 same amount, regardless of where their competitors have set their bids.

The most common reason why some PPC advertisers create "Bid Gaps" and overpay for their clicks is they're not aware ofrepparttar 138156 tools available from third party vendors, orrepparttar 138157 PPC Search Engines themselves to avoid these gaps.

Eliminating "Bid Gaps":

Some Search Engines like Google automatically eliminate "Bid Gaps" by ranking ads using a combination of click through rate, andrepparttar 138158 maximum bid established byrepparttar 138159 advertiser. Google claims this allows them to offer advertisersrepparttar 138160 best ranking onrepparttar 138161 page atrepparttar 138162 lowest cost, while guaranteeingrepparttar 138163 ads they display are relevant torepparttar 138164 keywords users are searching on. Google's system involves some trust onrepparttar 138165 part ofrepparttar 138166 advertiser, since it's impossible to tell what you're competitors are bidding. If your competitor has done a good job optimizing their ad copy to achieve a high click through rate, their ad could appear above yours, even if you're paying a higher cost per click.

Other Pay Per Click Search Engines like FindWhat.Com offer an optional 'AutoBid" feature. This feature allows you to specifyrepparttar 138167 maximum you would be willing to pay per click for each keyword, andrepparttar 138168 system will automatically adjust your bid to $.01 more thanrepparttar 138169 next highest bidder. If your competitor raises their bidrepparttar 138170 system will continue adjusting your bid until it reaches you maximum bid.


Current bid forrepparttar 138171 #1 position: $.50 Maximum bid that you specify usingrepparttar 138172 "AutoBid" feature: $1.00 The amountrepparttar 138173 system will set your bid: $.51 It's important to note thatrepparttar 138174 cost per click may never reach your maximum bid. We highly recommend using automated bidding features whenever possible. These tools allow you to maintain premium positioning for your ads atrepparttar 138175 lowest possible costs while saving you time from having to check where your ad is ranked every day, and manually adjusting your bids.

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