Pay off debt now: 5 steps to getting your finances in order

Written by Drew Harris

In our world of dizzying change, nothing is more true thanrepparttar time honored statement that circumstances always change.

No where is this more true than with financial issues.

Have you ever borrowed money, or charged uprepparttar 112221 VISA card at Christmas, allrepparttar 112222 while telling yourself that you would pay everything off with a coming tax refund or bonus?

Sound familiar. And then what happens whenrepparttar 112223 bonus money arrives?

Let me guess….circumstances changed,repparttar 112224 car needed brakes (orrepparttar 112225 kids needed braces, etc), andrepparttar 112226 VISA debt and interest charges keeps piling up.

Unless you have a plan, you will always be caught inrepparttar 112227 unpredictable grip of “changing circumstances.”

This is a slippery slope that can very quickly can become serious financial stress. Considerrepparttar 112228 fact that Americans are declaring bankruptcy at record rates. One in every 100 families is affected by a bankruptcy.

I was on this slope 10 years ago. Declaring personal bankruptcy and filing for divorce went hand in hand.

One ofrepparttar 112229 most insiteful moments ofrepparttar 112230 process was preparing a written log forrepparttar 112231 trustee of all of our spending forrepparttar 112232 5 years leading up to bankruptcy.

While all ofrepparttar 112233 individual decisions made sense inrepparttar 112234 moments that they were made, they looked totally foolish inrepparttar 112235 context ofrepparttar 112236 “bigger picture”

In other words, constantly changing circumstances drove us off our financial roadmap.

Consider this five step plan for getting on, and staying with, your financial roadmap.

Step No. 1: Make a list of what you owe & prioritize: Put all your bills in a pile. Then list your debts in order, starting withrepparttar 112237 largest balance first. Then prioritize your repayments (ie paying downrepparttar 112238 highest interest rate first).

How to Establish Business Credit Despite Your Personal Credit

Written by Karen L. Hardy, MSBA

Business credit is more of a science than an art. The first rule for this science is that it is notrepparttar same as personal credit.

Many would-be and aspiring business owners are not aware that establishing credit for a business is just as important as establishing personal credit. They also do not realize that a business can have a credit score separate from their personal credit score.

There is a world out there designed specifically forrepparttar 112220 business entity with a whole set of different rules.

Many entrepreneurs start out accumulating excessive personal debt to finance a business. Within a few months or even years, they find thatrepparttar 112221 business is a monster and needs more food, also known as financing.

With credit cards maxxed torepparttar 112222 limit, business owners find themselves in a crunch and searching for ways to raise capital. This is difficult to do whenrepparttar 112223 time is not taken to establish business credit first. Business credit is a crucial first step and foundation to build upon.

First, a business is not real. It really doesn't exist until legal steps and processes are completed to say that it does exist. PEOPLE create businesses that have not been tested, employed or ever earned a paycheck. So, when you start a business and begin looking for financing,repparttar 112224 bank WILL ALWAYS look at your credit because they can touch you (and your job, and your car, and your house...). You have a history. Your business does not.

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