Pay Per Click Search Engines - A Fundamental Overview

Written by Kirk Bannerman

Forbes magazine reported that pay per click ads accounted for $1.4 billion in 2002 and are expected to increase to $8 billion by 2008. The fundamental core elements of a successful pay per click program are constant monitoring, analysis, and refinement.

Pay per click search engines offer a way to buy your way torepparttar top of search results for any term you wish. With proper management, and a clear focus, pay per click search engines can offer some ofrepparttar 117228 most well targeted and economical advertising onrepparttar 117229 Internet.

Pay per click advertising works through a bidding process, andrepparttar 117230 ads appear prominently onrepparttar 117231 results pages of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. The highest bidder for a particular word or phrase receives top placement, and depending onrepparttar 117232 engine,repparttar 117233 top three to five bidders also generally also receive placement onrepparttar 117234 first page of unpaid search results.

Fundamental questions to be addressed when formulating a pay per click search engine strategy includerepparttar 117235 following:

1). When isrepparttar 117236 top pay per click bid necessary for highest conversion, and when will bidding for a second or third place position create a more attractive return on investment (ROI)?

2). How can you keep your PPC bids from cannibalizing your search efforts on other (non pay per click) search engines?


Written by Charles Lalonde

TELL ME YOUR WHAT AND WHY-- AND I'LL SHOW YOU HOW By Charles Lalonde Inrepparttar Internet Marketing and Home-Based Business community, there is no shortage of credible experts who will teach you HOW to build a financially successful business. Why then isrepparttar 117227 percentage of people who take these courses and who actually go on to build a financially successful business so low? A clue forrepparttar 117228 answer to this disturbing fact can be found in a quote by Mark Twain: "I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want." My experience with thousands of entrepreneurial and sales individuals has verifiedrepparttar 117229 truth of this statement. For example, while teaching a course (at a large College) for people who had chosen to start their own business, there were very few who could tell you specifically, and with passion, WHAT they wanted from their business and WHY they wanted it! You might be saying at this point, I know exactly WHAT I want from my business-success and lots of money. This sounds reasonable enough...who doesn't want to be successful and make a lot of money? The problem is these desires are too nebulous and they lack a meaningful purpose to keep you motivated through challenging times. If you doubt this statement, listen to what Albert E. N. Gray, author of "The Common Denominator Of Success", says on this subject: "Many men with whom I have discussed this common denominator of success have said at this point, "But I have a family to support and I have to have a living for my family and myself. Isn't that enough of purpose?" No, it isn't. It isn't because its not a strong enough of a purpose to make you formrepparttar 117230 habit of doingrepparttar 117231 things you don't like to do. Forrepparttar 117232 very simple reason that it is easier to adjust ourselves torepparttar 117233 hardships of a poor living than it is to adjust ourselves torepparttar 117234 hardships of making a better one. If you doubt me, just think of allrepparttar 117235 things you are willing to go without in order to avoid doingrepparttar 117236 things you don't like to do. All of which seems to prove thatrepparttar 117237 strength, which holds you to your purpose is not your own strength butrepparttar 117238 strength ofrepparttar 117239 purpose itself."

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