Pay Down Your Debt Now. Don't Wait For The Perfect Situation.

Written by David Wilding

The number one reason people don’t get out of debt is they don’t try. This may apply to you. You want to, but never seem to do it. You put it off for whatever reason.

Sometimes, you want to wait for your life to be just right before you makerepparttar attempt. You tell yourself, when I getrepparttar 112335 new job, when I receiverepparttar 112336 next promotion, or when I get my next raise, I’ll go to work on my debt.

Perhaps you are waiting for some artificially set date. You tell yourselfrepparttar 112337 first ofrepparttar 112338 year will be a good time to start or when you get back from vacation. Whenever it is, it is always inrepparttar 112339 future.

I call this “perfect situation procrastinating.”. This allows you to put off any action, while you wait for your situation to be perfect. It reminds me of a story I readrepparttar 112340 other day about a mother registering her daughter for kindergarten.

The mother, a school teacher, took her daughter to register for kindergarten. They were greeted byrepparttar 112341 kindergarten teacher near a table outsiderepparttar 112342 room. Onrepparttar 112343 table she had some paper and crayons. The mother stood back whilerepparttar 112344 teacher did, whatrepparttar 112345 mother recognized as, a simple screening of her daughter’s abilities.

The teacher askedrepparttar 112346 child to choose her favorite color crayon and write her name on one ofrepparttar 112347 pieces of paper. The mother hovering inrepparttar 112348 background, knew her daughter could not only spell her name, butrepparttar 112349 names of all her family members. She was pleased her daughter would do so well.

Mortgage Company Stops Foreclosure And Saves Family Home

Written by Keith Hunt

“A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it,” Bob Hope once quipped.

But if you going through a bad financial spell, you need an institution that will stand by you.

Our office received a call early one morning from a man desperate to save his home and needed foreclosure help. He was already 90 days late on his mortgage and desperately needed to refinance and pull out money to pay off enormous debts. He had just started a new job where he actually was making less money than before, and was in a real financial bind. His poor credit made it difficult for him to even qualify for a loan, let alone a low interest rate. To make matters worse,repparttar next day he received a notice of default on his property. This man was worried that his family would have no place to live. He was reassured that we would save his home and help him through this difficult ordeal.

We began immediately researching ways to help this client and found a lender willing to work with him and save his home just inrepparttar 112334 nick of time. His mortgage payment stayed aboutrepparttar 112335 same and he was able to pay off more than $25,000 in other debts, which alleviated several hundred dollars in credit card payments every month. Most importantly, this man's house was saved and his family was in a much stronger financial position.

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