Part 4 of 5 On The Home Business Set-Up Guide

Written by Alvin

Part 4 of 5 On The Home Business Set-Up Guide

Dear Reader, These articles will provide a step by step guide on how to start and run a home based business based on my experiences and other home business owners. This is part 4 in a series of 5 articles. They are written in a basic format and where possible main points are summarised in an attempt to be understood by all. I have tried to minimiserepparttar technical jargon as much as possible.

So lets jump right in and see what we need to know about starting and running a home based business.

Regards, Alvin

I publish Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you’re looking forrepparttar 116729 best rated home business opportunities, latest time saving tools and helpful support from a friend inrepparttar 116730 business, come by and a grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: Business Networking

Networking and building relationships is essential forrepparttar 116731 growth of your business. The way to network is to associate yourself with other peers, who will hopefully become suppliers and clients. A good place to start is to find business associations, clubs and business networks which interest you and contact them. Most organisations are always looking for new members and you ill be welcomed. Approach networking in a manner that aims at building a long term relationship rather thatrepparttar 116732 benefit of a short term sale.

Ways to network: §Exchange business cards at every opportunity §Telephone one person a week who is in a related business field for a coffee §Join an organisation


E-business has become commonplace inrepparttar 116733 marketplace. You will find your business may use some e-commerce technologies:

§Business to business – suppliers §Business to consumer – online retailing §Business to government – tendering §Consumer to government – tax returns

The World Wide Web

Inevitably your business will reachrepparttar 116734 stage where usingrepparttar 116735 internet will be essential. You will have to buy a modem, which enablesrepparttar 116736 computer to connect torepparttar 116737 internet. The next step is to find a ISP (internet service provider) who will provide you access torepparttar 116738 internet.


A website may be suitable for your business, but before you spendrepparttar 116739 money, consider exactly how it will benefit your business. There are many companies who will setup a website costing a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. There may be additional fees and charges (such as registering a domain name), so check with your ISP.

Gold from Goals

Written by Shannon Herod

Gold from Goals

Goals arerepparttar cornerstone of any business venture and should be incorporated with your daily work routine. The reason for goals is to set a clear and defined path to your success and without them you are on a path to failure.

I have goals! I want to make money online you might say… but how. I will show you how to set a goal and put together a game plan to accomplish that goal.

I have put together a road map on setting goals that will propel you to success if done properly. A bold statement… I know… now lets begin.

A goal should be a clear and concise statement put inrepparttar 116728 present tense and can be measured. I want to make money online is not good enough. How much money, by what date, how will you make that money, all questions that need to be answered in your goal. I will make $1000.00 with my website within 30 days! That is a clear and concise statement put inrepparttar 116729 present tense and can be measured. This goal should berepparttar 116730 product of all your shot term goals and you should be passionate about it. If you are not passionate about your goal you need to reevaluate what is important to you.

Now that you have a goal that is clear and concise statement put inrepparttar 116731 present tense and can be measured and you are passionate about you need to write it down every morning when you wake up. Next make a to-do list of everything you need to do that day to bring you closer to accomplishing your goal. This may sound petty but it is an essential step in hitting your goals, it keeps you focused and onrepparttar 116732 road to success. Writing your goal down gives you a visual of what you will accomplish and should be carried with you every where you go.

Visualize your goal 3 times a day. I suggest first thing inrepparttar 116733 morning, at lunch time, and when you lie down to go to bed. What do you mean visualize? I mean shut your eyes and see yourself with your goal. What are you wearing, where are you standing, who is with you, how does it feel. Do you get my point? I imagine myself getting out of a Dodge Viper wearing a three piece suit in front of my 4,000 square foot house with my wife standing inrepparttar 116734 door to greet me. We walk inside and I feel proud because my wife loves our house so much. Visualization gives you ownership of your goal and you will hold yourself accountable. Visualization is a strong tool because it will drive your wants into your subconscious mind where you make 80% of your decisions.

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