Part 2 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become

Written by Jon Kogan

Part 2 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! © 2004, Jon Kogan, All Rights Reserved.


Now'srepparttar time to evaluate your life and your desires. Go ahead and test yourself - nobody's looking. Try to find out what your inner desires really are. Once you know, you can formulate a plan of action, and then achieve your goals.

Right now, write down three things you want. Don't spend time thinking about them - just write them down. You may be surprised at what you want. Can you see any relation torepparttar 116813 types of desires most sought for?

What accomplishment are you most proud of? What make you happy enough to be content, to feel totally relaxed, and to slide back with a smile on your face.

Without dwelling on failures, mistakes, or past ill feelings, quickly listrepparttar 116814 important accomplishments or your life. Think aboutrepparttar 116815 places you went to,repparttar 116816 relationships you encountered,repparttar 116817 education you received. Consider your job changes and positions, andrepparttar 116818 achievements related to work.

Put a star next torepparttar 116819 most important accomplishments of your life. Is there any correlation withrepparttar 116820 list ofrepparttar 116821 three things you want most?


Before you go any further with your life, make a list for your future. Write it down - don't just think it. What would you like to accomplish inrepparttar 116822 next ten years? A new house, a high-paying position, a home in a new city, a trip aroundrepparttar 116823 world?

Break that list down into those things you'd like to accomplish inrepparttar 116824 next five years. Then make one further division intorepparttar 116825 next six months. What can you do inrepparttar 116826 next few months to further you towards your long-term goals?


My most important desires are:

In my lifetime,repparttar 116827 most important things I've accomplished:

If I looked back on my lifetime in 20 years, I'd like to have accomplished:

Within 10 years, I'd like to achieve:

Within 5 years, I'd like to achieve:

Inrepparttar 116828 next six months to a year, these arerepparttar 116829 things I'm going to do to work towards by goals:

Regardless of your family commitments or your personal relationships; regardless of your business enterprises or any false sense of achievement, what do you really want?

Give yourself credit for your past accomplishments, and give yourself credit for your future achievements. You can and will attain all your goals, both long-term and short-term if you approach them in a step-by-step fashion and if you believe that they are worthwhile for you.


Although you can be considerate of your environment and allrepparttar 116830 people in it, first consider yourself. Your well-being, your happiness, your success. Make a pact with yourself right now that you will achieve your goals. And make them realistic to reach. Then one by one, make your own liferepparttar 116831 success it deserves.


An important step in achieving goals is to be able to relax. You'll get nowhere is your body and mind are nervous and jumping from one place or idea to another. In order to focus on your goal you must center your being.

Starting A Business (1 - 3)

Written by Michael Herman

Starting a Business - (1 - 3)

Depending onrepparttar reason for you to start a business, a retail store, an Internet store, a service business, a home based business or any other kind.

If you're like I was, you have lots of questions:

- Business licenses, or permits, what do I need? - Form of entity? What shouldrepparttar 116812 business be, A sole proprietorship, partnership, Corporation, etc?


- Accounting or bookkeeping, what should I do?

I struggled to find answers to my questions and I was surprised that there were very few web sites provided merepparttar 116813 information I needed.

I spent hours and hours onrepparttar 116814 computer searching for information on starting a business.

I was often frustrated by what I found regarding,repparttar 116815 licenses I needed,repparttar 116816 form of business entity most appropriate andrepparttar 116817 accounting or bookkeeping software most suitable to me.

I hope to be able to save you fromrepparttar 116818 frustrations which plagued me.

Licenses and permits?

What licenses and permits apply me, orrepparttar 116819 business, when I start a business?

Most businesses, especially business that involve selling products, require a State Tax ID.

In my state applying for and obtaining a “Sellers Permit” also provides you with a Tax ID.

The way that you obtain a State Tax ID may be different forrepparttar 116820 state, province, or country that you are in.

After a lot of searchingrepparttar 116821 Internet, I finally foundrepparttar 116822 information I needed.

Unfortunately it took me hours and hours ‘glued’ to my monitor,repparttar 116823 phone book andrepparttar 116824 phone.

The site that I found, showed merepparttar 116825 city, county, state, licenses and permits I would need.

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