Parapsychology: Maximizing Effectivity Of Targeted Controlled Remote Viewing Techniques

Written by Jim D. Ray

Individuals with a solid working knowledge of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) have undoubtedly encounteredrepparttar “plateaus” experienced at various levels throughoutrepparttar 140620 ability’s development.

Successful employment of CRV to identify characteristics of past, present, or future events depends heavily onrepparttar 140621 viewer’s ability to transmit retrieved data betweenrepparttar 140622 subconscious/conscious divide. As a viewer becomes acquainted withrepparttar 140623 process long-term, he or she can begin to maximizerepparttar 140624 effectivity of their CRV sessions usingrepparttar 140625 following methods:

* Begin CRV sessions withoutrepparttar 140626 target in mind. Preconceived expectations ofrepparttar 140627 target event or beacon, usually brought about by informal preliminary focus onrepparttar 140628 target, will muddlerepparttar 140629 session and oftentimes result in inaccurate data retrieval.

* Differentiate between intra-personal thought and CRV target data. Increased accuracy of retrieved data is a result ofrepparttar 140630 suspension of cognitive analization ofrepparttar 140631 data as it is retrieved. Basic data commonly retrieved during a CRV session may include, but is not limited to, environment temperature, sounds, colors, illumination, and shapes. Advanced viewers may retrieve information including specific geographic locations, objects, text, audible words or phrases, and even knowledge, memories and emotions experienced by human beacon(s).

* Expand your optics range beyond that of traditional peripheral vision. Though difficult for novice viewers to grasp initially, expandingrepparttar 140632 optics range beyond that ofrepparttar 140633 traditional physical vision range is imperative to increasingrepparttar 140634 volume of useful data retrieved. Scan each visual using a broad, sweeping rhythm, first left to right, then top to bottom. Advanced viewers may also be able to zoom in on objects or actions, allowing for retrieval of more specific datum.

Major Depression and Its Serious Complications

Written by Michael G. Rayel, MD

When suffering from clinical depression, people have different ways of confronting it. Some acknowledge it, face it just like any problem, and seek help. Some ignore it as if it doesn’t exist. And others simply accept that it’s there but they don’t do anything about it. In fact, they don’t even ask for help.

Those who ignore and don’t do anything runrepparttar risk of developingrepparttar 140373 serious complications of depression. Like any medical disorder, untreated clinical depression has its hazards.

What are some ofrepparttar 140374 complications of clinical depression? How serious are they?


Without treatment, some depressed individuals feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless. Subsequently, thoughts about death occur. They sometimes feel that they are better off dead than alive. Asrepparttar 140375 illness worsens, suicidal thoughts and behavior gradually ensue.

Homicidal Behavior

Although rare, homicidal behavior can happen to someone with significant level of depression. In fact, a few high profile cases inrepparttar 140376 media had point to some cases of clinical depression and homicide. Severe depression can result in impaired judgment, making these depressed individuals vulnerable to cause harm.


Clinical depression likewise causes disturbances in perception and thinking. Some individuals with severe depression experience auditory hallucinations (“hearing voices”) and delusions (false fixed beliefs). Hallucinations can manifest as inappropriate commands tellingrepparttar 140377 person to do certain things such as to harm oneself or others. Delusions can range from suspiciousness to bizarre beliefs such asrepparttar 140378 thought thatrepparttar 140379 person isrepparttar 140380 “Anointed One.”

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