Paralysis By Analysis

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Every day we get emails and telephone calls from people who want to get started in Real Estate. We hear, I am just checking out your program. Or, I’ve been researching forrepparttar past six months to try and find a program. While researching and checking out programs is an important step, so many of these individuals never follow through torepparttar 105025 next step, which is getting started and moving forward.

Making a decision on starting a business or a program to help you start a business isrepparttar 105026 next step people. Otherwise all you have is “Paralysis by Analysis”. You can look and dither back and forth, with allrepparttar 105027 questions: “Will it work for me?; How long will it take? How many calls, letters, emails, (fill inrepparttar 105028 blank) will I have to send or sell before I start making money? The questions go on and on. Eventually you will come to one that can’t be answered and that will be your reason for not proceeding. Oh, I can’t do it if I can’t have (fill inrepparttar 105029 blank).

Seven Pricing Pointers

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Findrepparttar right figure to makerepparttar 105024 highest profits.

1. Don’t shy away from charging a fair price for your offerings—you deserve to be rewarded for your time, talent, risk and investment.

2. Keep your price withinrepparttar 105025 range of what customers are willing to pay.

3. Remember that prices forrepparttar 105026 same products and services vary dramatically by geographic location. Rememberrepparttar 105027 end user manuals for buyers and sellers. Some students with reprint rights sell them for $50 and others for $100. It all depends onrepparttar 105028 area ofrepparttar 105029 country they live in.

4. The price you can expect to receive is determined in part by your distinct background, talents and skills.

5. Check outrepparttar 105030 rates of local competitors before settling on a price.

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