Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf

Written by Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz

You've bogeyed your last hole, you are about to hit your next drive. As you take your practice swings, your mind is still onrepparttar last putt that you blew. You take your swing and it's a slice. In your mind you say to yourself "Oh no, I'm going to bogey again!" and you do. Sound familiar? You knowrepparttar 133250 techniques and mechanics, but you just can't get either your mind or body aligned with each other so that they do what you want them to do. In a word, you are stuck and "switched off," and your golf game is not going well at all. Golf requires you to think clearly and be analytical which are functions of your brain's left hemisphere. Golf also requires you to be creative and intuitive which are functions of your right hemisphere. To be a truly successful golfer you need to use both sides of your brain atrepparttar 133251 same time; you need an integrated approach. Brain integration is one ofrepparttar 133252 components ofrepparttar 133253 video training program PAR AND BEYOND: SECRETS TO BETTER GOLF. The video usesrepparttar 133254 concept of "muscle checking." As a professional speaker and trainer, I have demonstrated this muscle checking concept for over 20 years. Audiences have found it both amazing and exciting. --------------------------------- To understand this concept you will need a partner to practice on as you follow these instructions. 1. Face a partner. Have your partner raise one arm straight out fromrepparttar 133255 side of his body with thumb pointing down.

2. Place one hand on your partner's extended arm, aboverepparttar 133256 wrist andrepparttar 133257 other on their opposite shoulder.

3. Instruct your partner to resist as you push down, firmly and steadily, on his extended arm for several seconds. Your partner's arm should not move down more than a couple of inches.

4. While your partner keeps his arm extended, have him close his eyes and think of a negative golf experience. When he has it focused, press down on his arm. His arm will come down easily. 5. Now ask your partner to think of a very positive golf experience. Once he has it in focus, press down again. His arm will stay level and strong.

English Premier League Games Advance Bookings

Written by Dale James Caffrey

We get a lot of customers booking and purchasing English Premier League Match Packages well in advance.

However, saying that, recently many people have enquired "Ifrepparttar current season already finished on May 15th andrepparttar 133249 new season doesn't start until August 14th andrepparttar 133250 match I want to go to might not be until next March, why do I have to book so early?"

Fair question! andrepparttar 133251 answer to that is really quite simple.

The average stadium capacity of English Premier League clubs is around 40,000 (some more, some less) andrepparttar 133252 majority of tickets are sold to season ticket holders, usually around 75%.

"No problem, that leaves approx 10,000 tickets per game so I can buy nearerrepparttar 133253 match date" I hear you say

"Not necessarily true", is my reply.

Let's not talk aboutrepparttar 133254 current top 3 clubs, let's use Manchester City as a prime example: The City of Manchester Stadium holds 48,000,repparttar 133255 Season ticket allocation is 36,000,repparttar 133256 away fans allocation is approx 2,000 (maybe more for some games). Add to that allrepparttar 133257 sponsors' allocations and you are already well over 40,000. See related official release on this topic dated 17th March.

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