Painting your Way Forward!

Written by Liana Metal

Painting your way forward!

By Liana Metal

‘Painting is just a leisure activity , so it’s a waste of time!’ That’s what most people tend to think. But is it really?

When I started meddling with water colors, I was only five or so, but I still rememberrepparttar joy of discovering new hues and ways to brighten my plain white paper. It was a magic touch of light that carried me away into a new realm of amazement and joy. My parents bought me some colors and a small brush hoping to keep me busy indoors for some time and out of mischief! But this device has been keeping me busy till now! I can’t imagine my life without it. It just would be so very dull!

It’s a pity some people have not tried to discover yetrepparttar 101245 joy of drawing and painting , or any other form of art. If you belong to those who believe that it is a waste of time, just think of so many things are a real waste of time, but not this one.

Being creative releases a part of your soul , you feel free ,you feel you can do everything , because imagination can do everything. You are a different person and if you have problems to solve, then this isrepparttar 101246 best way to do it. Let yourself be creative, release your energy on art and you will feel calm and confident to go on. There is no wonder why some people use Art Therapy. They’ve found outrepparttar 101247 terrific advantages of this method on people’s feelings and behavior.

And beware. You don’t need to be an artist! “I can’t draw a straight line,’ most people would say. ‘So, what?’ Practice makes perfect! That old saying applies so well in this case. You can discover your hidden talent and become an excellent artist , or you can simply enjoy yourself in a creative way! However, it doesn’t really matter how good or bad your creation might be, it is yourself you are displaying in it, not your professional abilities.

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