Team-Schuman Marketplace Free eCourse:"P" Your Way To Online Business Success With Great Profits! © 2002 Jeff D. Schuman ==========================================================
Hi {!name_fix} ,
Jeff Schuman here with another article on making money from
comfort of your own home with my Amazing Sales Formula and Internet Marketing!
As a business person our ultimate goal is to be in business for ourselves to earn a profit!
Basic Accounting 101 states that Income(-)Expenses=Profit!
I don't want to get into what makes up expenses except to say that you will have fixed and variable expenses when you operate any business.
The nice thing about operating a home business is that you are able to eliminate most all of your expenses compared to a traditional business.
That right there is
single biggest reason you can be in a profit mode almost from day 1. You do not have to incur alot of expense to create an immediate income.
When you look at
other 5 "P's".........
1. Product 2. People 3. Price 4. Promotions 5. Persistence
you really begin to understand how it is that so many new businesses fail in
first 5 years. There are alot of variables that go into
5 "P's"!
The American Dream of Free Enterprise is founded on
principle of FREEDOM of choice!
You get to choose how you run your own business. You make
decisions. You put your neck on
line everyday!
Internet Marketing or making money from
comfort of your own home is no different. We get up everyday and put our neck on
line to fulfill our "DREAM" of making money from
comfort of our own homes.
The nice thing about running your own home business is that you are able to eliminate most of your fixed and variable expenses and still create a very large income on an ongoing basis!
There is one big difference between an Internet Marketing Business and a Traditional Business.
To make a profit in internet marketing you have to become very good at advertising and promoting on
internet! If you can create a system for promoting your products without incurring a large expense than you are off to a great start.
As your income increases then you can re-invest some of your profits into more advertising and promotions to increase your business even more.
This is not an exact science, but as you get better and better at it you will begin to get your own system almost down to a science.
One of
greatest marketing books of all times is "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins. This is a masterpiece that has withstood
test of time.
Drop me an email! Put Scientific Advertising in
subject line! Please include your name and email address! I will send you a FREE eBook copy of this Great Book!