PRONTO North America Users Conference in Eden Prairie Minnesota May 3 - 5

Written by Tom Verzi

Peggy Smedley isrepparttar editor of Start Magazine and will be addressingrepparttar 135141 first annual PRONTO North America Users Conference on Thursday, May 5th. Smedley was recently profiled inrepparttar 135142 Wall Street Journal and authored Mending Manufacturing, How America Can Manufacture its Survival. She is an award-winning journalist.

Wednesday, May 4th, Thomas R. Cutler, CEO of TR Cutler, Inc., author ofrepparttar 135143 Manufacturers Public Relations and Media Guide, Associate Editor of Industrial Connection, and Contributing Editor to InMFG magazine will be addressingrepparttar 135144 PRONTO North America Users Conference. Cutler is alsorepparttar 135145 founder ofrepparttar 135146 Manufacturing Media Consortium, a group of 2000 journalists writing about various aspects of manufacturing and industrial trends.

PRONTO North America, ( based in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, isrepparttar 135147 North American Master Distributor of PRONTO-Xi, a comprehensive software system allowing manufacturers, distributors,

10 steps to promote your small business

Written by Jo Hill

Ten steps to promote your small business

Are you a small business or start up? Do you sometimes feel invisible? Here are ten low cost marketing ideas guaranteed to boost your profile.

1) Word of mouth isrepparttar most cost-effective, powerful form of promotion. Write a list of 50 people you know but don’t see regularly – relatives, friends, ex-colleagues etc. Send each of them a friendly email or postcard to let them know what you’re up to. Ask them for feedback, advice or contacts of anyone who might be interested in hearing about your business. Don’t be shy! People love to help. For practical tips on promoting your small business visit Guerrilla Marketing

2) Networking may seem intimidating but there are ways to make it less scary. Don’t feel you have to sell, sell, sell -repparttar 135126 number one rule of networking is to listen. It’s about building relationships - go to a networking event looking for opportunities to help others. Ask questions, gather information, offer contacts and advice – people will remember you for it. Networking PLUS is Business Link’s popular monthly speed-networking event – for details visitrepparttar 135127 events section onrepparttar 135128 Business Link website.

3) Business cards need to stand out fromrepparttar 135129 crowd. Get a new batch printed on unusual material – textured card, plastic, wood – or make it an unusual shape. Offer a business tip or special offer onrepparttar 135130 back. Include your photo onrepparttar 135131 card – this makes it more personal, easier to remember you and harder to throw away! For excellent free tips on killer business cards see Card Sharks onrepparttar 135132 Lean Marketing website.

4) The internet is an amazing market place to promote your business – but it’s easy to feel lost or insignificant. Join specialist forums and exchange links with complimentary websites. To reach a targeted audience, join Affinity Trading Network – an active online network for small businesses. You get a full web profile about you and your business, and access torepparttar 135133 Trading Boards, providing an effective way to increase your online exposure.

5) Newsletters are a great way to build up a following, sign up potential customers and provide people with a regular reminder about your services. Write a simple one page resource of news, advice and latest offers each month. Run a competition or poll. Promote your customers or suppliers. Use it to build your reputation as a useful hub of up-to-date information. Encourage feedback, keep it enjoyable and personal. To help you build a mailing list, create a newsletter and measure results, look at Mailing Manager

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