PRONTO ERP Selected by OTI as Standard for Clients

Written by Tom Verzi

OTI, Optimization Technology Inc., located in Mississauga Canada, has been developing and implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems since 1984. The Canadian VARs (Value Added Reseller) customer base appreciatesrepparttar features built into their legacy systems which focused on individual manufacturing and distribution requirements. Withrepparttar 102842 advent of GUI (Graphical User Interface) it became too difficult to add some ofrepparttar 102843 new productivity features OTI and their clients wanted.

According to Dave Airey, VP of Sales and Marketing at OTI, “We started looking for a way to move our application to a GUI “look and feel,” but after two years of investigation it became obvious that it was not a practical goal. As an alternative we investigated upgrading our legacy application to a new product.”

OTI’s requirements for a new system revolved around their customers. After many years of custom changes,repparttar 102844 legacy system was geared to client requirements.

Airey noted, “OTI’s initial search took us torepparttar 102845 major ERP players, but none hadrepparttar 102846 features we required to support our loyal customers.”

Finding an ERP System with Strong Functionality:

The search for a new ERP system ended when OTI was introduced to PRONTO North America ( According to Airey, “We were introduced to Pronto and were immediately impressed withrepparttar 102847 rich functionality. One important feature was that Pronto is fully integrated. We had engineered our legacy system to be fully integrated so this was of major importance.”

The Rationale for PRONTO ERP:

o Fully integrated o User definable options to tunerepparttar 102848 systems functionality o A support system to back up our customers o Functionality o GUI look and feel built using a 4 GL tool o Equipment rentals and tracking o Service maintenance o Both Manufacturing and Distribution in one package o Email & Fax capability o Multiple SQL platforms including MS SQL

What Bowling and Success Have In Common

Written by Mike Litman

was flying home from a seminar in Atlanta yesterday afternoon on Delta and they have TVs on each seat.

It was 1pm and I was a bit tired, so I was channel surfing and wouldn't have minded if I just fell asleep forrepparttar trip.

But as I was surfing, I came across ESPN,repparttar 102841 sports network, and they were havingrepparttar 102842 finals of a bowling tournament.

I'm not a huge bowling fan, I do try to 'hitrepparttar 102843 lanes' once or twice a year, but I caughtrepparttar 102844 end of an interview with one ofrepparttar 102845 bowlers and it got my attention.

Here's why.

He was talking about how important staying focused and having a positive attitude is, but then he said something that I know to be so helpful.

I call them, S.R.P.'s.

S.R.P. stands for ‘Success Reference Points.’

Here's what he said:

He said that he thinks about a time inrepparttar 102846 past when he was bowling and 'on fire', and he was doing great.

He puts himself back in that mindset.

What was he saying to himself?

How was he standing, how was his posture?

He even watched old bowling videos of him doing great.

We all have moments in our past that we can REMEMBER and use inrepparttar 102847 PRESENT.

In Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography, he talks about using this same principle to quickly help him succeed.

Ask yourself:

When was there a time in my life when I was doing GREAT, when I felt UNSTOPPABLE? What were my habits, what was my self-talk, how was I feeling? Then TAKE THAT mindset intorepparttar 102848 present....

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