Written by Laraine Anne Barker

If you use a computer for much of your day you MUST take steps to preventrepparttar crippling pain this can cause. The first thing to consider isrepparttar 115919 correct (ergonomic) set-up of your computer desk and chair.

Bothrepparttar 115920 chair seat and its back should be adjustable. The chair back should have good lumbar support and you should be able to adjust it to fit neatly into your back while you're sitting inrepparttar 115921 chair. The seat should have gas lift to make adjusting its height easy and should slope down atrepparttar 115922 front so thatrepparttar 115923 back of your thighs are not put under pressure. With your back againstrepparttar 115924 chair back you should be able to sit up STRAIGHT--not slumped either backwards or forwards--and your feet should rest firmly onrepparttar 115925 floor. If you feelrepparttar 115926 need for a footstool, your chair height is definitely too high. With your fingers onrepparttar 115927 keyboard, your forearms should be level or sloping slightly down. Your wrists should be straight, not sloping upwards. If they slope up,repparttar 115928 keyboard is too high. This is why you need a FULLY ADJUSTABLE computer desk, i.e.,repparttar 115929 monitor andrepparttar 115930 keyboard should have their own platforms that can be raised or lowered separately as required. The top ofrepparttar 115931 monitor should be about level withrepparttar 115932 top of your head, i.e., you should be looking straight intorepparttar 115933 screen, not with your head bowed.

You could build a desk specially to your measurements, but this doesn't make allowance for computer upgrades (for instance, going from a desktop machine, whererepparttar 115934 monitor can sit on top ofrepparttar 115935 computer, to a tower model, or switching from a 15" to a 21" monitor). The monitor distance from your seat, BTW, should be about arms length.

Set up your computer in a position that doesn't allow reflections inrepparttar 115936 monitor from windows or overhead lights. Reflections will create eyestrain and tend to make you tense because you can't read what's onrepparttar 115937 monitor properly.

Stress - The Devil Within

Written by Martin Avis

Stress takes many forms in our business lives. Exactly what it is very hard to define, but two statements seem to me to sum uprepparttar main cause and effect:

o The fear that more is expected of you than you can reasonably achieve.

o A feeling - real or imagined - that you are out of control and cannot regainrepparttar 115918 right track.

Who gets it? Everyone is susceptible, no-one is immune. However, some people deal with it more effectively. Overrepparttar 115919 years I have studied many people who seem to be able to thrive on stress - or have masteredrepparttar 115920 knack of shucking offrepparttar 115921 effects - and have formulated a ten-part plan to help others cope.

Why stress is so damaging?

o Health: long term stress can severely affect a persons health. The immune system is damaged,repparttar 115922 nervous system is impaired and susceptibility to minor (and sometimes major) illnesses increases.

o Emotions: when under relentless and unmanageable stress, a persons self-worth is impaired. Relationships suffer and positive planning becomes very difficult.

o Performance: of course, when under long-term stress at work,repparttar 115923 ability to function at peak levels diminishes. How can we be expected to give 110% if our minds and bodies are slowly shutting down through endless misuse? Typically, a highly stressed person, who is not managing it well, will subconsciously develop behaviors that attempt to minimize exposure to more stress:

o A fear to act - procrastination o Fear of failure o Avoidance ofrepparttar 115924 issues o Withdrawal from 'the cutting edge'

The result? You get sidelined and passed over forrepparttar 115925 next person who deals withrepparttar 115926 pressures better.

Not all stress is bad. Some can be beneficial, but only when kept inrepparttar 115927 right proportion.

Most people getting up to give a public presentation feel a high degree of stress. Those who are not paralyzes with fear often say thatrepparttar 115928 pressure gave their talk an edge. Thatrepparttar 115929 adrenaline pumping made them sharp.

How many business people do you know who write documents and presentations weeks in advance? Hardly any, I bet. Most prefer to leave things untilrepparttar 115930 last minute to 'be at their sharpest.' And it is true that when underrepparttar 115931 right amount of pressure,repparttar 115932 mind tends to clear and we see torepparttar 115933 very heart ofrepparttar 115934 problem.

People who manage stress best seem to be able to managerepparttar 115935 causes of stress, ensuring that too many situations do not develop at once. Because however positive some stresses may be, pile a whole lot of them up atrepparttar 115936 same time and you still are heading for a nervous breakdown.

Can it be beaten? Yes and no. Some stresses are in built - nothing can remove them. They are a part of each person's individual psyche. Some are a vital part of life - try crossing a busy road without a care inrepparttar 115937 world. Some things that wind us up like a spring are not stressful to others - public speaking is a good example.

But ... many stresses can be managed and others can be minimized or removed.

One key factor in dealing with your own stresses is effective self-management. Deal with your internal issues before you look to changerepparttar 115938 world outside yourself.

Here, then is my ten-part plan. Some ofrepparttar 115939 elements may seem trite - and on their own they may be - but they all combine to give you a powerful, workable strategy to begin to take back control of your life.

1. Get organized

However busy you may think you are, it is a sure bet that there is a half hour or so every day that is being wasted. Check out goal-setting techniques and time management strategies. They really help - and will show you how to get far more done inrepparttar 115940 same time than you ever imagined possible.

2. Preparation

Get in to work ten minutes earlier than usual to write yourself a list forrepparttar 115941 day. Consider what you need to achieve and point your day towards that end. As Seneca said inrepparttar 115942 3rd century BC, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

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