PPC Definitions

Written by S. Housley

Pay-Per-Click marketing has become an online phenomenon, with marketers only paying for traffic they receive. As Internet marketing has evolved, pay-per-click is seen by many asrepparttar middle ground between paying per impression and paying per sale. Advertisers only pay when they receive traffic that may or may not be targeted.

The pay-per-click advertisements are usually displayed withrepparttar 147203 advertisement fromrepparttar 147204 highest paying bidder inrepparttar 147205 top position.

Navigatingrepparttar 147206 complex web of Internet marketing, publishers and marketers are often confronted with terms that seem foreign. This simple guide will assist marketers in navigatingrepparttar 147207 Pay-Per-Click marketing model.

Bid - The amount that an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on a specific keyword.

Budget - The amount of money that an advertiser sets aside for an advertising campaign. Different publishers allow for advertisers to set daily, weekly or monthly budgets.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR) - The percentage of clicks on a link. This is usually a percentage based onrepparttar 147208 total number of clicks divided byrepparttar 147209 number of impressions that an advertisement has received.

Conversion Rate - The relationship between visitors to a web site and actions considered to be a "conversion", such as a sale or request to receive more information:repparttar 147210 percentage of people whose clicks have resulted in a sale or desired action in relation torepparttar 147211 total number of clicks on an advertisement.

Cost Per Click (CPC) - The cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through to an advertiser's website.

Unleash A Thundering, Non-Stop Traffic Stampede To Your Site -- Practically Overnight!

Written by Paul Kelly

Are you FRUSTRATED byrepparttar lack of qualified traffic visiting your site? Are you FED UP of paying these so called SEO Experts who charge you an arm and a leg to make an "optimized" site for you? Are you FRUSTRATED that you don't have multiple income sources?

Most webmasters have one primary goal, increasing targeted traffic to their sites inrepparttar 146638 hope that this traffic converts into sales.

A lot of frustrated marketers resort to cheap gimmicky software, that generate cookie cutter style web pages that are often considered SPAMMY.

Well, I say...Dump that Cheapy software, Fire Your SEO Guy and Tell your Content Writer to take a Hike.

There is a new kid onrepparttar 146639 Block and his name is Traffic TurboCharger. This masterpiece of equipment DOESN'T BREAK ANY (search engine) RULES like allrepparttar 146640 other wannabee software seen onrepparttar 146641 net.

This State ofrepparttar 146642 Art Software instantly builds you a content rich website in a matter of minutes while you watch TV.

It follows a few simple steps:

Step One: Selectrepparttar 146643 keywords on which you want your site to be based, or letrepparttar 146644 tool generate keywords based on actual phrases that search engine users have search for

Step Two: Enter your affiliate ID's forrepparttar 146645 programs that you want to earn money from on your site andrepparttar 146646 URLs forrepparttar 146647 RSS feeds related to your keywords

Step Three: Enter your website information, URL, title and description

Step Four: Enterrepparttar 146648 information for your Hover Ads and subscriber co-generation code and Google Adsense ID

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