Overlooking a Huge Market

Written by Gary Onks

If there was a HUGE market that you were overlooking, would you WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT?

What if this market had MORE buying power than baby boomers, young adults or teenagers!

What if you knew that they:

* Spend almost $2 Trillion on goods & services each year * Purchase 43% of all new cars every year * Account for over 40% of total consumer demand * Control over 48% of ALL discretionary purchases * Own over 80% of all money in savings accounts * Dine out 4-5 times per week * Have a HUGE amount of disposable income

Have you figured out who they are? THEY'RE SENIORS! (and most companies are overlooking them)

If you're picturing someone with no teeth, hanging aroundrepparttar house all day watching 20 episodes of Jeopardy ... think again!

The fact is, every 7 seconds someone in America turns 50. When surveyed, 89% of seniors rate "being active" as critical to enjoying life. Today's seniors have money to spend, and they're eager to spend it. In fact, they are *more* likely to purchase online than their younger counterparts.

Secrets Exposed! (And They Don't Even Know It!)

Written by Joe Bingham

This is it. This isrepparttar unraveling ofrepparttar 121586 Internet Marketing Era as we know it. I now haverepparttar 121587 key to allrepparttar 121588 marketing knowledge you will ever need --- for FREE even!

Absolutely nothing can escape this tactic, it's...

Stop laughing! I'm serious here! Come On! Just because I usually do humor here doesn't mean I can't have a serious thought once in a while, does it?

And yes, as a matter of fact, there is one serious bone in my body. In fact there are two. They are located in my upper arms, between my shoulders and my elbows.

They are calledrepparttar 121589 humerus bones.

Ok, ok. Point taken. I have no serious bones in my body.

But I really do have The ULTIMATE Secret to Learning about Internet Marketing. This is Breakthrough! This is Genius!

And I'm going to EXPOSErepparttar 121590 secret right NOW!

As soon as you each send me $19.95.

Oops! Ha, Ha! Just kidding. That was just a little bit ofrepparttar 121591 evil, greedy, marketer in me shining through. But hey, I have to payrepparttar 121592 bills somehow. It's not like my kids can eat email for breakfast you know!

I do, but that's different.

ANYWAY, this is one of those rambling articles isn't it? But it's ok, because right now we have...


Now, I'm going to be serious for a moment, because you can actually do this. Next time you're readingrepparttar 121593 sales pitch for an e-book or marketing program, pay attention torepparttar 121594 way they are trying to get you to buy.

Guess what? Ifrepparttar 121595 people trying to sell you this thing really believe inrepparttar 121596 sales or marketing tactics they are offering to you, THEY WILL BE USING IT ON YOU AT THE TIME!!

Wow! I just saved everybody a BUNCH of Money! You no longer need to buyrepparttar 121597 e-book or marketing program. Just analyze their sales copy. It's all right there. All of their tactics, 'magic words', web site design know-how, and marketing skills will be in use, right there, on you!

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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