Overcoming Objections to Price

Written by Charlie Cook

How much more could you earn if your prospects didn't object to your prices? You'd close more sales and be more successful.

Like most service professionals and small business owners chances are you struggle with objections to pricing on a daily basis. You lose business because prospects get stuck on price. Your pricing will never satisfy everyone butrepparttar following ideas will help you eliminate pricing objections fromrepparttar 120507 majority of your buyers.

MARKET TO PROSPECTS EMOTIONS One ofrepparttar 120508 biggest marketing mistakes you can make is to start by marketing to a prospect's head instead of their heart. If your marketing materials and presentations lead with a presentation ofrepparttar 120509 product or service features and/or your own credentials, this isrepparttar 120510 wrong information to present up front to prospects and can hinderrepparttar 120511 sale of your products and services.

The majority of purchases are ultimately based on emotion. Vehicle purchases are a great example. Sales of 4 wheel drive SUV's has soared despiterepparttar 120512 fact 90% ofrepparttar 120513 buyers never go off road or needrepparttar 120514 4 wheel drive functionality. Porsche sales have grown steadily, despiterepparttar 120515 fact that most often their owners use them around town and in traffic, rarely if ever driving atrepparttar 120516 over a hundred miles an hour they are easily capable of going.

Your prospects buy your products and services for their own reasons, not yours. Get their attention by focusing your marketing on their concerns. Use questions to bring their emotional reasons for making a purchase intorepparttar 120517 conversation. When you presentrepparttar 120518 benefits of your products or services, do so inrepparttar 120519 context of your prospects' emotional interests.

- Are you marketing to your prospects hearts or their minds?

UNDERSTAND THE EMOTIONAL REASONS PEOPLE BUY Some people buy cars based on their perception of safety, others based onrepparttar 120520 potential for speed and others make their selection based on how little gasrepparttar 120521 vehicle consumes. If you want to be more successful in marketing you need to knowrepparttar 120522 emotional reasons people buy your products and services.

Reasons prospects buy include fear, gain, comfort, security, pride and personal satisfaction. When it comes to making a decision these arerepparttar 120523 motivators that determine whether your prospects buy your products and services.

If you sell investment advice, fear of loss, desire for gain and security may all be motivators. If you sell wide screen TVs or audiophile stereo equipment, personal satisfaction and pride may berepparttar 120524 motivators. If you sell graphic design, your client's desired image is a motivator.

Using Social Networks to Get Business - AKA "The Kevin Bacon Game"

Written by Lois Carter Fay

Using Social Networks to Get Business AKA "The Kevin Bacon Game" By Lois Carter Fay

A few years ago there was a big push toward one-to-one relationship management, creating a network of trusted business associates on whom you could rely. Getting to know them, up close and personal. Or at least using software to generate personalized messages. And getting to know your prospects and customers is, of course, still a very good practice...probably your best way to succeed.

But inrepparttar impersonal world of computers and technology, getting personal is a difficult thing to do. You may have never met your client orrepparttar 120506 folks you joint venture a project with. But it's likely that you have communicated via email, perhaps spoken onrepparttar 120507 phone, read articles they've written or kept up with what they have said in discussion forums.

Making it Personal Now there'srepparttar 120508 many-to-many approach, more commonly called social networking. Of course you've heard of Match.com, primarily designed to connect those who are interested in dating. For this membership site you don't need to be "invited" in and you can try it out for free.

Quickly, many other such sites have jumped intorepparttar 120509 social networking arena, garnering tons of publicity. There's Friendster, LinkedIn, Ryze, Tribe Software, Orkut, MeetUp and probably others. The "market" has virtually exploded with companies that create networks to help you connect through others withrepparttar 120510 people you want to meet or do business with.

Kevin Bacon If you're a follower ofrepparttar 120511 TV show Friends, you'll knowrepparttar 120512 characters onrepparttar 120513 show played "The Kevin Bacon Game," in which they had to connect Kevin Bacon to another famous person in six or fewer connections.

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