Overcome Objections and Close the Sale

Written by John Boe

Unfortunately,repparttar first two orders many new salespeople receive are “get out and stay out!” It is human nature for your prospect to procrastinate when asked to make a decision involving money. Studies indicate that a prospect will say no on average five times before they actually buy. As a professional salesperson, it is important to remember that an objection is not a rejection of you personally. Simply put, an objection is nothing more than a request for additional information. As a general rule, prospects are hesitant to commit to purchasing a product or service until they have convinced themselves they need it and that they are getting it at a fair price. Top producing salespeople not only expect objections duringrepparttar 127316 sales process, they anticipate them. Believe it or not, objections are a good sign and you should actually look forward to them. If your prospect weren’t somewhat interested in your product or service, they wouldn’t be asking questions. Typically, your prospect’s objections fall into four major categories; no money, no perceived need, no hurry, or no trust. If you haven’t built trust and rapport with your prospect, qualified them financially, and conducted a thorough needs analysis, you can expect them to use objections to derailrepparttar 127317 sales process.

When your prospect voices an objection, treat it with respect and hear them out. Interrupting when you should be listening is a significant factor inrepparttar 127318 loss of trust and rapport. Even though you may have heard that same objection many times, avoidrepparttar 127319 temptation to begin addressing their concerns prematurely. Before you begin your response, it is vitally important that you understand your prospect’s specific concerns. Otherwise, you runrepparttar 127320 risk of shooting yourself inrepparttar 127321 foot by voicing an objection they had not even considered. I recommend you restate and gain agreement onrepparttar 127322 specific objection prior to responding. This approach not only provides clarity, but it also builds rapport. When addressing an objection, don’t dumprepparttar 127323 whole bale of hay. The majority of salespeople have a tendency to overwhelm or bore their prospects by over-educating them. In an attempt to impress them with how knowledgeable they are, some salespeople lengthenrepparttar 127324 appointment and use up their valuable fallback positions. There are times when your prospect’s objection may be disruptive and therefore you might want to delay answering it until further along in your presentation. When you makerepparttar 127325 decision to delay your response, I recommend you writerepparttar 127326 question down and ask if it would be all right to address their concern later in your presentation. Ifrepparttar 127327 same objection comes up twice, you need to stop and address it immediately.

10 Ways To Boost Your Sales With Free Software!

Written by Larry Dotson

1. Gain free advertising by submitting your software to freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. This will increaserepparttar number of visitors to your web site.

2. If you createdrepparttar 127315 free software yourself, you will become known as an expert. This will gain people's trust and they will buy your main product faster.

3. Offer your software as an extra free bonus torepparttar 127316 people that buy one of your main products. People buy products quicker with free bonuses included.

4. Publish your free software on disk or CD-Rom then include it with your direct mail packages. This can increaserepparttar 127317 amount of orders you'll receive.

5. Build your opt-in e-mail list fast by asking your visitors to give you their contact information before they can download your software.

6. People love to get free stuff. They will visit your web site to downloadrepparttar 127318 free software. Make surerepparttar 127319 software is attractive to your target audience.

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