Over The Counter Acne Treatments – Do They Work?

Written by Elaine Clay

Overrepparttar counter, sometimes referred to as otc for short, products are starting to become an increasingly popular alternative to prescription medication inrepparttar 136230 treatment of acne. These products are readily available as you don't need a prescription from your doctor to buy them and for people with mild to moderate forms of acnerepparttar 136231 best overrepparttar 136232 counter treatments will be just as effective asrepparttar 136233 more expensive prescribed ones.

Besides being cheaper, these products often have little, or no side effects, in comparison to some ofrepparttar 136234 highly publicised prescribed antibiotic drugs used by doctors.

Although there are lots of overrepparttar 136235 counter acne products on sale, really there are only two kinds of treatments available - either medicated or natural. Both types utilise basicallyrepparttar 136236 same technique by using a drying agent to exfoliaterepparttar 136237 skin and to combatrepparttar 136238 acne and pimples.

Usually, inrepparttar 136239 case of a medicated product, this is either benzoyl peroxide, salycic acid or glycolic acid. Natural products tend to use combinations of ingredients and plant extracts like vitamin E, tea tree oil, aloe vera, witch hazel, green tea extract, cucumber etc.

There seems to be a growing number of different treatments but usually overrepparttar 136240 counter products come inrepparttar 136241 form of topical cleansers, soaps, washes, lotions, creams, gels or even pads and patches that are applied ontorepparttar 136242 skin.

When using these kind of preparations it is important, that you cover all ofrepparttar 136243 area where you have acne because then you will also be treatingrepparttar 136244 hidden blemishes that you can’t yet see as well asrepparttar 136245 acne breakouts that you can.

Expect some trials and errors as you experiment withrepparttar 136246 different treatments available, it may take you a while before you findrepparttar 136247 right type or combination of products that work for you. Whatever you do, don’t use more than one treatment at a time, particularly with medicated products, discontinue one before you try out another.

Stair Lift Buying Guide

Written by Christian Dunnage

There is no doubt that having a stair lift in your home can dramatically improve your quality of life. If you are starting to find that climbingrepparttar stairs is becoming a hazardous experience, or just hard work, then a stair lift could berepparttar 136201 answer. Another solution could be to move to a single storey residence. However, this can be expensive and stressful, and many people are reluctant to leave a house that they have spent many years turning into a home.

Once you start consideringrepparttar 136202 possibility of having a stair lift, you begin to delve into what can be a highly technical area. However sure you are of what you want, I strongly recommend that you take professional advice from someone with experience in this field. In most areas, informed advice is available from community occupational therapists (OT's). You will also need to make contact with a company who specialises in installing stair lifts. I would advise that you contact at least 3 companies because there can be a huge difference in price and quality. Unfortunately, asrepparttar 136203 populations average age increases, more and more unscrupulous traders have enteredrepparttar 136204 market and you need to make sure that you are not being ripped off.

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