Outlook Express

Written by Richard Lowe

Outlook Express is a reasonably nice email, newsgroup and contacts client. One ofrepparttar best things about this program is repparttar 109648 fact that it is free - if, of course, you install Internet Explorer on your system.

Let's start withrepparttar 109649 positive things about this program. The email client is on a par with most other email clients. You can do just about anything that you would ever desire, including creating maintaining email accounts, receiving messages, replying, forwarding, and so on.

One ofrepparttar 109650 real benefits to Outlook Express isrepparttar 109651 ability to create identities. I don't know about you, but I have several email accounts. Usingrepparttar 109652 standard Outlook 2000 client all ofrepparttar 109653 messages from all ofrepparttar 109654 accounts get thrown together in one list (my understanding is that Outlook XP fixes this, but who wants to install such a piece of garbage as Office XP on their system?) Outlook express allows you to create more-or-less separate, well, everything for each and every email account (if you so desire). This way, all ofrepparttar 109655 contacts, inbox, sendbox and so on are totally unique torepparttar 109656 account.

The newsgroup reader isrepparttar 109657 standard, online type. This wasrepparttar 109658 first newsgroup reader that I ever used, and it meets most ofrepparttar 109659 requirements of anyone doing light to medium reading and posting. Other, far better newsgroup clients now exist, however, so Outlook Express cannot be recommended based uponrepparttar 109660 newsgroup client alone.

Contacts are handled in a more or less standard way. You've got a list of contacts, and you can add their mailing information as needed. The contact can be defined directly from an email message, which is a nice touch.

The rule engine in Outlook Express probably was considered advanced many years ago, but by today's standards it is mundane. However, it can be used to block spam, file away messages and perform autoreplies.

A feature which is really cool is called Email Stationary. One of repparttar 109661 best features about Outlook Express isrepparttar 109662 built-in stationary editor. It's not super-sophisticated, but it doesrepparttar 109663 job of creating simple and intermediate stationary files very well.

Okay, now forrepparttar 109664 negatives about this product. I can sum uprepparttar 109665 biggest negative in just one sentence:

The reason why viruses such as Melissa, Iloveyou andrepparttar 109666 like exist and thrive isrepparttar 109667 proliferation of Outlook and Outlook Express.

You see, Outlook Express (and it's big brother Outlook) support email scripting. Other email clients do allow you to execute programs and scripts, but very few of them allowrepparttar 109668 email client itself to be invoked fromrepparttar 109669 script or executable. Why is this a problem?

Here's an example. Read and execute a virus in a different email client and you could wipe out your own system. Readrepparttar 109670 same virus in Outlook Express (or Outlook) and you can additionally automatically (and often without your knowledge) send that virus to everyone you've ever communicated with on email.


Written by Richard Lowe

There have been a number of stories inrepparttar press lately about a system called Carnivore (what a great name). This is a hardware/software system designed byrepparttar 109647 FBI to intercept emails at an ISP so they can be used in a criminal investigation.

Before going any further, it may be useful to explain how email works. By it's very nature, email is completely insecure. Any number of people can read that personal note you have written, and it's very possible that your private messages to that other woman could wind up inrepparttar 109648 newspaper.

Perhapsrepparttar 109649 best analogy is to compare email to postcards. When you send a postcard, you write your message on one side and put repparttar 109650 address onrepparttar 109651 other. The message can be read by anyone who cares to pick uprepparttar 109652 postcard.

The path an email takes to get to it's destination is very interesting. First, of course, you compose a message in your email program. Regardless of whether it is Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express or any number of other packages,repparttar 109653 email will almost certainly be saved in a temporary folder. Some mail programs deleterepparttar 109654 temporary copy ofrepparttar 109655 message after it is sent and some do not. In any event, it is entirely possible that a copy ofrepparttar 109656 email is sitting on your hard drive for anyone to look at.

Of course a copy is kept in your sent items folder, unless you've deleted it. And even then, a copy might be kept in your deleted items folder. If you are using Microsoft Exchange as your email engine, then it might even save a copy even if you delete repparttar 109657 message permanently, just in case.

Okay, once you sendrepparttar 109658 email it goes out torepparttar 109659 internet. It's possible for a very good hacker to grab it directly offrepparttar 109660 wire (although highly unlikely as this is not easy). The message will get routed to your ISP's email server, which means it will reside on one or more computer systems for a brief time. Of course it could be intercepted at any of these.

Oncerepparttar 109661 message reaches your ISP's SMTP (email) server, it will get stored there for a time, untilrepparttar 109662 SMTP server can figure out how to send it onward to it's destination. The message will get sent here and there, as indicated by various systems, until it reachesrepparttar 109663 destination POP (post office) server, where it will wait to be read. Of course, once it is read by someone onrepparttar 109664 other end, they could store it, delete it, forward it and reply to it, further increasingrepparttar 109665 chances that someone else will see what you've written.

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