Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Will He Remember You ... the Way You Want Him To?

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

If you've ever had a long-distance relationship with a guy, and lose out to a new woman he finds in his hometown, even though you two had a phenomenal relationship, you might find some new research interesting, hopefully even consoling.

fMRI, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, lets researchers watch human brains in action, providing new information about how we process emotions. And, yes, Virginia, men and women are different.

Beforerepparttar fMRI, researchers couldn't observerepparttar 130963 sequence of activity in various parts ofrepparttar 130964 brain during a given mental activity. The standard MRI only gives a static detailed snapshot ofrepparttar 130965 structure ofrepparttar 130966 brain. The fMRI, however, gives a video, showing howrepparttar 130967 different structures interact, dynamically.

It could be you could maintainrepparttar 130968 LD relationship better because of how you store emotionally-charged memories. Turhan Canli, Ph.D., a researcher at Stanford University, showed 100 photographs to 12 men and 12 women. Some were emotionally neutral things, like a fire hydrant. Others were emotionally disturbing, like a severed hand.

How to Run a Profitable Coaching Practice Using Your Emotional Intelligence

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

Pacific Management Consultants are a good example of branding. They consult with dentists on how to establish a practice that thrives. (Stay with me. We’ll get to coaching.)

Read what they had to say here in their last ezine:

“We have seen practices struggling along with their schedules jammed,repparttar doctor and staff all max'd out with umpteen patients [scheduled] daily, NPs jammed in here and there. Production and collections suffering, Tx plans not getting accepted. These practices are running faster and more frantically than patients will tolerate …This happens even in a practice that appears to be far from it's capacity or even well below capacity.

Onrepparttar 130961 other hand, we have million-dollar-plus practices who see 5 or 6 patients a day and who have plenty of time for New Patient exams…[w]ithrepparttar 130962 practice running atrepparttar 130963 correct "speed" for patients.”

Now, if both of these practices gave high-quality service, which one would you go to, which one would you refer patients to, and, as a coach, which one would you rather have???

Silly question.

Now let’s use our EQ, taking this as a metaphor, and transferring it over to your coaching practice. Are you running your coaching practice atrepparttar 130964 correct speed? Or are you running at a frantic pace, driving away clients, and barely making a living?

Here’srepparttar 130965 Emotional Intelligence Checklist to consider:

Personal Power: Do you have knowrepparttar 130966 benefits of your coaching and present them with self-assurance to NCs? Have you scheduled clients so you can devote your undivided attention to each one?

Do you take advantage of income-generating products that helprepparttar 130967 client beyondrepparttar 130968 coaching call? Have you added, for instance, The EQ Foundation Course© ( http://www.susandunn.cc/courses.htm ) orrepparttar 130969 Gooding Accountability System™ ( http://www.susandunn.cc ) to each client’s protocol, SOP? Be Creative.

Have you learned how to suggest whatrepparttar 130970 client needs, beyond what he or she wants?

When you fail to close with a prospective client inrepparttar 130971 free coaching call, do you analyze why? Do you ask your own coach for suggestions and role play? The more Empathy you have,repparttar 130972 widerrepparttar 130973 ^fit^.

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