Out of ControlWritten by Bob Osgoodby
Are you in control of yourself; your destiny; your business? There are many warning signs that you might not be, but many times they go unheeded. To be in control of anything, you must first be in control of yourself. If you are working from your home, it is easy to "loose control" and slip into bad habits. You must exercise same discipline that would exist in an office, where you had to arrive at a certain time in morning, and work a full day. While you can basically start your day, and end it when you wish if you work from home, you must maintain some semblance of order in your workday. Simply being there for a certain number of hours is not answer, if those hours are not productive. But beauty of working from home is that you do not have to have a regular schedule. If your business is people oriented, you have to be available when your prospective clients are available to you. If it is product oriented, it really makes little difference when you work. Some people are morning people and achieve their best productivity then - so do it then. Others are "night owls" and that is their best time. If you aren't in a situation where you have to be available during certain hours, pick whatever works best for you. A better way is to establish goals to meet. If you meet your goals each day, it doesn't matter when you accomplish them. Personally, I prefer to meet all of my daily goals in morning when I'm fresh, and then, do what I wish for rest of day. You should establish your goals for each day. The best thing is to write them down, and print them out so you can review them. Always leave a bit of extra time for unexpected. For example, you should first check your email in morning to resolve any problems that might have "cropped up" over night. Then, meet your goals established for that day.
| | The TrapWritten by Bob Osgoodby
ot a day goes by that I don't hear about someone lamenting their decision to leave corporate America and work at home. Maybe they were laid off, opted for early retirement, or just decided that commuting four hours on train, coupled with an eight hour workday was simply too much. Possibly, they will keep their job and work part-time at home to earn extra income. Who knows what reasons are, but that is not important.With "visions of sugarplums" dancing in their head, they decided to start their own home business. They believed ads about working in their pajamas when spirit moved them, and after a month or so woke up to reality. They weren't making a dime. Where did they go wrong? Well, when they worked for someone else, they were expected to be at work at a certain time every day. Depending on business, there was a certain dress code, and they had goals to meet. Granted, these goals were usually determined by someone else, but they were ones who had to meet them. It is easy to work for someone else, as they are ones calling shots. They actually lived under an umbrella of discipline. Granted it was someone else's umbrella, and maybe they didn't realize this. Possibly they did, and that was reason they decided to work on their own. One of most common problems behind failure of a home business, is lack of discipline. Some think they can work when (and if) they want to, and their mailbox will "overfloweth" with twenty dollar bills. Well, I got news for you! Running your own business, whether it is a brick and mortar establishment, or a home business, requires work. It usually requires more effort than if you worked for someone else. You will also have to do some things you don't enjoy. But, if you are chief (or only) "honcho", you had better be able to handle all facets of your business. So, how do you go about working at home? First and foremost, you have to have a regular schedule and adhere to it. This is especially true if you expect people to contact you by phone. If people try to call you, and don't get an answer, they quickly move on. You have to be available during normal business hours. If you are in an online business, this is usually from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Yes there are three time zones in USA. If you live on east coast like I do, when you are getting ready to pack it in for day, folks on west coast may just be returning from lunch.