Our God of More than Enough

Written by Daniel N Brown

Copyright 2005 Daniel N Brown

There is no shortage inrepparttar abundance of blessings we are promised as God's children. We should expect to receive from Him if we believerepparttar 147966 promises He's given us in His Word. To believe otherwise is to show that we have no confidence in God's word. This would indicate that we believe that He lied when He gave us these promises and throughoutrepparttar 147967 Bible, we are told over and over again that God cannot lie.

Ephesians 3:20-21 says, "Our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or even think, according torepparttar 147968 power that works in us." This power is our faith. Our faith in God!

It is by faith we receive from Him, for Jesus said, "According to your faith let it be unto you" (Matt 9:29). So where is your faith? God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or even think!

If you are ever going to experiencerepparttar 147969 fullness of God's blessings in your life, you must absolutely believe in His ability, and willingness, to bless you outrageously.

Many people will say, "Well, it's not all about me." That's exactly right. We were put here for God's pleasure (Rev 4:11). What is his pleasure? To bless, care for, and prosper His children. We bring Him honor and glory when our lives are fruitful, for He takes pleasure inrepparttar 147970 prosperity of His children (Psalm 149:4).

96 Minutes a Day That Will Change Your Life

Written by Kathy Paauw

Copyright 2005 Kathy Paauw

In my previous article, The Art of Possibility, http://www.orgcoach.net/newsletter/june2005.html I suggested that you project yourself intorepparttar future by writing yourself a letter dated for a year from now. And I promised you some tips to help you set your insights into motion. This month I encourage you to take some time to create a list of daily or weekly rituals that will support you in attainingrepparttar 147935 milestones you want to accomplish overrepparttar 147936 next twelve months. Sometimes it'srepparttar 147937 little things that make a big difference inrepparttar 147938 long run. (Read my article: The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results at http://www.orgcoach.net/newsletter/march2005.html .) What actions do you choose to take that will lead to better health, success, and greater meaning and fulfillment in your life? Write down some specific intentions so you can review them frequently. For example: * Takerepparttar 147939 dog for a brisk morning walk for 30 minutes right after getting out of bed. Duringrepparttar 147940 walk, visualize how I want my day to be.

* When I enter my office, take 10 minutes to review my tickler file and clarifyrepparttar 147941 three most important areas of focus forrepparttar 147942 day. Then spendrepparttar 147943 next 96 minutes* (8:30-10:06 AM) focusing on those three areas. Do this before checking email. Do not answerrepparttar 147944 phone during this focus time. * Leaverepparttar 147945 office by 6 PM. Do not bring work home. * Have dinner as a family at least three weeknights each week. * Be in bed by 10 PM so I get 8 hours of sleep each night.

* Do my weekly planning on Fridays forrepparttar 147946 coming week. Schedule all ofrepparttar 147947 things mentioned above into my calendar so I have a plan for making them happen.

*Whyrepparttar 147948 odd number of 96 minutes above? Because ofrepparttar 147949 Pareto Principle -repparttar 147950 80/20 rule (see below). Twenty percent of an eight-hour workday is 96 minutes! This is really powerful stuff, so I hope you'll keep reading...

In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describerepparttar 147951 unequal distribution of wealth in his country, observing that 80 percent ofrepparttar 147952 land in Italy was owned by 20 percent ofrepparttar 147953 population. After Pareto made his observation and created his formula, many others observed similar phenomena in their own areas of expertise.

Inrepparttar 147954 1940s, Quality Management pioneer, Dr. Joseph Juran, recognized a universal principle which he calledrepparttar 147955 "vital few and trivial many." A lack of precision on Juran's part made it appear that he was applying Pareto's observations about economics to his own observations. As a result, Juran's observation ofrepparttar 147956 "vital few and trivial many" became known as Pareto's Principle - commonly known today asrepparttar 147957 80/20 rule.

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