Our Gift

Written by Joyce C. Lock

If you knew you were going to stand before God, today (not in judgment, but meeting your very best friend) ... is there a gift you would like to present Him with? Do you plan to meet Him empty handed? Maybe you have a gift for God already. Perhaps, you never thought about it and would like to. What would berepparttar truest statement of your love? What type of service are you passionate about? Findrepparttar 123301 answer. Then, head in that direction. And if you still do not know, walk inrepparttar 123302 direction your heart leads and God will take you there. It does not matter if God calls you to little or a lot. (Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it. Letrepparttar 123303 weak say, "I am strong,"repparttar 123304 most necessary part. He meant it!) What brings inner completeness is serving inrepparttar 123305 center of God's perfect will (Lu. 12:50), wherein there is joy in that He empowers us to do so much more.

Consider His promise ... "And every one that hath forsaken houses (churches), or brethren (religion), or sisters (family), or father (leader), or mother (counselor), or wife (soul mate), or children (followers), or lands (positions), for my name's sake (when He calls you), shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."

Heavenly Son Light

Written by Joyce C. Lock

It is a most Heavenly sight to behold someone flowing through a room, with grace likened unto an angel, spreading SON LIGHT on each heart they touch. Even more wonderful is when we realizerepparttar gift of encouragement is available to us!

Paul says we are to take it upon ourselves to minister torepparttar 123300 saints (II Co. 8:4), not waiting for someone to hit us overrepparttar 123301 head.

We can walk into any room, usingrepparttar 123302 Eyes ofrepparttar 123303 Lord, 'knowing' which hearts need touched; being assured that we did not just think it up because we looked first.

If God shows you a need, He is calling you to do something about it (De. 30:14). Further assurance comes in knowing Satan would not ask you to do something good (Ps. 37:3).

Once you have seenrepparttar 123304 need, follow Jesus by takingrepparttar 123305 first step (Mt. 4:20). He will dorepparttar 123306 rest (I Th. 5:24).

It is okay if your first words are nothing more than, "I like your tie." Meeting us where we are;repparttar 123307 walk of righteousness is one step at a time. Nothing is too small if God says, "Go", because little is always much if done forrepparttar 123308 Lord (II Co. 9:10).

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