Origin of Lawn Furniture

Written by Johann Erickson

Did you ever wonder where “lawn” furniture originated? Inrepparttar 1800s as people began to enjoy their gardens and patios, furniture was set outside, but had to be brought in during inclement weather. The answer of course, would be furniture made forrepparttar 138652 outdoors.

And that’s what Thomas Lee came up with in 1903, while vacationing with his family in 1903, at Westport, New York. He wanted something comfortable, and suited torepparttar 138653 sloping grounds of his cottage. So he went to work with a saw, and a single plank of wood, cutting out only eleven pieces that he assembled into what is now known asrepparttar 138654 Adirondack chair.

This basic, flat slat chair, usually with a fan shaped back, also tilted slightly in its positioning, to make it suitable torepparttar 138655 uneven ground where Lee’s family spentrepparttar 138656 summer.

Intrigued byrepparttar 138657 outcome, and needing a source of winter income, his friend Harry Bunnell patentedrepparttar 138658 chair, and began turning them out in his workshop duringrepparttar 138659 cold months, to sell torepparttar 138660 summer population. His creations were all made of hemlock, then painted in dark greens or browns, and signed.

The hallmark ofrepparttar 138661 Adirondack chair, is its wide, flat armrests, supremely comfortable inrepparttar 138662 many forms of outdoor furniture that are now included as part ofrepparttar 138663 Adirondack style. Withrepparttar 138664 solid wood construction, and adequate coating to protect it againstrepparttar 138665 rain and sun, these bits of Americana will last for years.

Today,repparttar 138666 chairs come in a wide variety of colors, and have expanded into love seats, gliders, and other forms of outdoor furniture that are still clearly recognizable by their slat construction, andrepparttar 138667 standard armrests.

How to Transplant Trees

Written by LeAnn R. Ralph

How to Transplant Trees by LeAnn R. Ralph

975 words

With a little patience and tender loving care, you can easily transplant small trees that you have found growing in a ditch or that are growing on one part of your property but that you would like to move to another part of your property.

Spring isrepparttar best time to transplant trees. Transplanting inrepparttar 138407 spring will allowrepparttar 138408 trees to develop more roots before winter arrives again and they go dormant.

Here are 10 steps for transplanting trees:

1. Identify and selectrepparttar 138409 trees you would like to transplant. Smaller is better, although if they are too small (seedlings that are only a few inches high), their chances for survival are less. Overrepparttar 138410 last 10 years, my husband and I have discovered thatrepparttar 138411 best sized trees for transplanting range from six inches to two feet tall.

2. Fill a bucket or another container half full of water. It is very important to keeprepparttar 138412 roots ofrepparttar 138413 tree wet betweenrepparttar 138414 time you dig it up andrepparttar 138415 time you transplant it, even if you are digging uprepparttar 138416 tree and moving it immediately. Trees cannot seem to tolerate their roots drying out, even if it's only for five minutes.

3. Dig carefully aroundrepparttar 138417 tree using a spade or a shovel. Remember that there is as much tree below ground as you can see above ground. In other words, ifrepparttar 138418 tree is 10 inches high andrepparttar 138419 branches all together from side to side measure 20 inches, that meansrepparttar 138420 tap root is 10 inches deep and thatrepparttar 138421 other roots spread out from aroundrepparttar 138422 tree at least 10 inches on each side. The wider and deeper you can dig aroundrepparttar 138423 tree,repparttar 138424 less likely it is that you will be cutting roots. If you can avoid cutting too many roots, your tree will stand a better chance of surviving.

4. Putrepparttar 138425 tree inrepparttar 138426 pail of water after you have dug it out ofrepparttar 138427 ground.

5. Dig a hole where you want to transplantrepparttar 138428 tree. Make surerepparttar 138429 hole is big enough to accommodaterepparttar 138430 length ofrepparttar 138431 tap root andrepparttar 138432 width ofrepparttar 138433 other roots. For good measure, you might want to put manure inrepparttar 138434 bottom ofrepparttar 138435 hole so thatrepparttar 138436 tree has some fertilizer. (You can buy dried manure in bags at garden shops.)

6. Pour water intorepparttar 138437 hole before puttingrepparttar 138438 tree intorepparttar 138439 hole. This will ensure that there is plenty of moisture atrepparttar 138440 tip ofrepparttar 138441 roots.

7. Placerepparttar 138442 tree inrepparttar 138443 center ofrepparttar 138444 hole. Keepingrepparttar 138445 tree level, put dirt back intorepparttar 138446 hole aroundrepparttar 138447 roots.

8. Leave a shallow depression three or four inches deep allrepparttar 138448 way aroundrepparttar 138449 tree instead of moundingrepparttar 138450 dirt up aroundrepparttar 138451 trunk. When it comes time to waterrepparttar 138452 tree, if you leave a shallow reservoir aroundrepparttar 138453 trunk,repparttar 138454 water will have a chance to soak in right byrepparttar 138455 tree instead of draining away.

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