Organizing Your Data to Write Better Copy

Written by Neroli Lacey

Last quarter I talked about interviewing / gathering data. So now you’ve got several thousand words of notes, hopefully digitally recorded. What comes next?

GETTING ORGANIZED I suggested organizing your interview questions into 4 groups. I’m going to label them for you A, B, C, D. · ·what isrepparttar business problem? = A · ·what isrepparttar 108103 high level solution? = B · ·can you tell me more aboutrepparttar 108104 solution? = C · ·why should I trust you (as my vendor?) = D Any decent piece of writing has a beginning, a middle and an end. So before you start editing / writing you want a map, to show you where you are going. Take a blank sheet of paper, write four major headings and label them A, B, C, D, as above.

Now read your notes. When you find data relevant to “A” (the business problem), underline that copy and mark a big “A” inrepparttar 108105 margin (in red?) . Keep working through until you have marked up relevant copy for all four sections of your piece.

You will be leaving out anything that does not seem suitable as you go.

THE CUT AND PASTE JOB Next comes a cut and paste job. Group together allrepparttar 108106 “A”s, thenrepparttar 108107 “B”s, “C”s and “D”s. Next, take a look at allrepparttar 108108 ideas you have inrepparttar 108109 A group. It helps if you take a new sheet of paper and write a list of repparttar 108110 ideas or facts inrepparttar 108111 A group. Now prioritize. Be ruthless. And trust your first instinct. If an idea seems to leap out and have life, put it first. The less important ones come later. Weed out any repetition or weak data. Now you work on flow. Do you have a logical flow of ideas that your reader can follow? Are you telling him/ her a story that you yourself could believe in? You will go throughrepparttar 108112 same exercise withrepparttar 108113 remaining blocks of notes, ie “B”,“C” and “D”. EDITING IS PRIORITIZING Editing is prioritizing. Often you will want to limit a list of ideas to 3. Three has a flow to it. And is about as much as any reader or listener can grasp at one sitting.

Finding Your Client's Business Problem Leads to Better Copy

Written by Neroli Lacey

WHAT’S THEIR PROBLEM? How do you begin a dialogue with a prospect, be it in person, on your website or in print?

You talk about your client’s business problem.

What IS your client’s business problem?

Answering this question isrepparttar hardest part of marketing. What we all do instead, is focus on our solution, i.e. “what we do.”

“We sell network management software.” “We are a business-oriented law firm.” “We trade commodities.”

Worse still, we continue talking about ourselves: how many employees we have, how many years we have been in business, where our head office is.

Let’s think again. Are you worried aboutrepparttar 108102 vulnerability of your IT systems today? Do you dread losing your information assets? Aha, our network management software has worked wonders for clients just like you.

Are you thinking of expanding your business? Do you know how to find an experienced team that knows your industry backwards and can deliver. Are you looking for a team that has done this kind of transaction for many years. A team withrepparttar 108103 best experience and knowledge of your industry inrepparttar 108104 country? We don’t just deliver wordy legal contracts, we deliver cost-effective business solutions.

Do your clients want specialty products delivered in exactlyrepparttar 108105 way your clients want to receive them, sometimes in custom format? We don’t just trade commodities, we deliver service and quality every time, in justrepparttar 108106 way you want it.

Every good piece of marketing collateral starts by setting out repparttar 108107 business problem. Because reading this, your client will say, “finally, someone who understands what I am struggling with.” This is your “hook.” The hook requires empathy. Later you will apply logic. i.e. why your service isrepparttar 108108 ideal fit for his problem.

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