Organizing The Information

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Putting a piece of paper in a file folder is easy; finding it again isrepparttar hard part. There are ways to make your files easier to use and your papers easier to find. Invest in a sturdy, four or five-drawer file cabinet. Spendrepparttar 103904 extra money it takes to get quality and durability. You’ll spend more money replacing a cheaper file cabinet a few times than buying a reliable one inrepparttar 103905 beginning. You may not have enough files to fillrepparttar 103906 cabinet now, but believe me, you’ll need it inrepparttar 103907 future.

Before you buy additional cabinets, weed out unnecessary files. The natural tendency is to buy more cabinets to holdrepparttar 103908 papers you’ve accumulated. The more filing space you have, however,repparttar 103909 more tendency you have to keep unnecessary papers.

Keeprepparttar 103910 number of hanging file folders you use to a minimum. Rather than putting only one interior folder in each hanging folder, group three to five interior folders in each one and labelrepparttar 103911 hanging folder withrepparttar 103912 main category.

Minimize your paper files by using a scanner to store them electronically. There are hand-held, sheet-fed, flatbed and optical pen scanners available. You can even use a scanner to enter business cards into a contact management software program.

The Cat in the Hat" Will Help You Get Your Point Across! (Yes you can, here is the Plan)

Written by Ed Sykes

I was recently coaching an engineer who wanted to improve his speaking skills. After videotaping him, we discussed his strong points and then his areas of improvement. Then we got torepparttar area of vocal variety. Vocal variety isrepparttar 103903 quality of your speech that hold your audience. It isrepparttar 103904 combination of pitch changes, pauses, inflection, rhythm, and loudness in your voice that adds "color" to any conversation or speech. I suggested he try Dr. Seuss's "The Cat inrepparttar 103905 Hat." At that point he looked at me like I had a third eye. I then explained how "The Cat inrepparttar 103906 Hat" could help anyone improve his or her speaking skills, especially vocal variety, and have fun doing it. Can you remember being read "The Cat inrepparttar 103907 Hat" by your parents? What held your attention? What made you want to hear "The Cat inrepparttar 103908 Hat" again and again? "The Cat inrepparttar 103909 Hat" is set up so that you must use vocal variety to readrepparttar 103910 story. It'srepparttar 103911 vocal variety that held your attention. Here's how Dr. Seuss's "The Cat inrepparttar 103912 Hat" can help you hold your audience's attention: 1. Buyrepparttar 103913 Book My favorite Dr. Seuss books for this type of exercise are "The Cat inrepparttar 103914 Hat" and "Green Eggs and Ham." You can go to any used bookstore and get a gently used copy ofrepparttar 103915 book at a substantial discount. You can also go to and getrepparttar 103916 book at more than 50% offrepparttar 103917 price.

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