Organization Tips That Add More Hours To Your Day

Written by Diane Hughes

One ofrepparttar most common complaints that small business owners have is lack of time. What most don't realize, however is that their lack of time stems from a lack of organization. But with a few simple tips - that you can implement immediately - you can literally add hours to your day.

--- Putting Things In Their Place

First and foremost, you should live byrepparttar 104353 motto, "A place for everything and everything in its place". When you are finished with a piece of paper, a brochure or any other physical document - file it. What usually happens is that you finish using a piece of paper, "temporarily" put it in a stack and then have to spend two hours cleaning up after yourself once a week. Or, you may leave it in a stack and spend two hours a day digging throughrepparttar 104354 mess to find what you need.

Create a filing system that works for you personally and then use it! Perhaps you'd like a filing cabinet? There are also expandable folders and numerous other filing systems. Chooserepparttar 104355 one you like, create a folder for it and put it where you can find it again if need be.

--- I'll Be Right There

How many times a day do you say (or think) that? Especially if you work from home, you probably have plenty of interruptions that take valuable time out of your day. If you're a work-at-home parent with young children, it may be a bit more difficult to end interruptions all together, but these tips will help.

1. Set "office hours". As much as possible, let your family know that between 8am and 11am, you'll be working. Then again from 1pm until 6pm you'll be "in your office". (Or whatever hours work best for you.)

2. Ignore your email. Well, partially, anyway. Unless you're expecting some urgent message, don't stop what you're going to run check your messages each time you hearrepparttar 104356 "bell" ring. Decide onrepparttar 104357 time frame that works best for you and then check your email at certain times duringrepparttar 104358 day. (Perhaps every three hours or so.) Duringrepparttar 104359 rest of your work time, turn your email software off so you can resistrepparttar 104360 temptation to check each message as it arrives.

3. Screen your calls. These days most people have voice mail or an answering machine. Unless you're expecting a call, letrepparttar 104361 machine get it. Just as with your email schedule, you can set aside time duringrepparttar 104362 day to return calls. This is a great way to avoid telemarketers, too!

The Eye of the Storm

Written by Diane Hughes

I've been publishing a newsletter for over 3 years and I've been actively marketing and running an online business for almost 5... needless to say, I've seen a lot of trends come and go and definitely know all about lulls and surges.

I know all of us would like more surges and if you're like me, you tend to get a little discouraged at first when you start to feelrepparttar effects ofrepparttar 104352 lulls. This is normal and although they say you get used to it as time goes on, I have to say I still get discouraged every year around this time, but I've since learned how to deal with it a little more positively.

Since my slow season hits with a bang, I would quickly forget how much I complained about having no time and being extremely stressed duringrepparttar 104353 surge. So now I try to think of it asrepparttar 104354 "The Eye ofrepparttar 104355 Storm"... calm, quiet, but withrepparttar 104356 promise of a surge to come.

Yes, it's true... there are those big gurus who claim to still surge no matter what time of year it is -- and I don't doubt them -- but for people like you and me, it just doesn't happen no matter how hard you try or how hard you work. I'll admit that my lull isn't as slow as it used to be since my name has gotten out there a bit, but it's STILL slower than any other time of year.

When I first started experiencing this, I was mad with ambition to get my business and traffic back to par. I wasn't going to stand forrepparttar 104357 lull theory... no way! I spent literally thousands on marketing, TONS of time spitting out new products and services, and basically worked myself to death...

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