Organic Food – The Benefits of Natural and Organic Produce

Written by Carrie Reeder

Having spent most of my life living off of junk food, I was pretty shocked when I started learning about what goes intorepparttar produce we consume every day fromrepparttar 136156 grocery store.

Most ofrepparttar 136157 produce you would buy atrepparttar 136158 grocery store has been genetically modified to be more appealing torepparttar 136159 customer. But, evidence suggests that genetically modified food can be harmful to your health. There are very few regulations on genetically modified food, and there aren’t any long term studies on how they affect human health. About 70% ofrepparttar 136160 food you pick up atrepparttar 136161 grocery has been genetically modified.

Also, there are many types of insecticides used on produce, that are potentially harmful to your health. Farmers, nowadays, do not userepparttar 136162 proper crop rotation when growing their produce. Crop rotation means: The successive planting of different crops onrepparttar 136163 same land to improve soil fertility and help control insects and diseases. The by-product of no crop rotation is that food in general is much less nutritious and raises a need for more insecticides to be used.

To avoidrepparttar 136164 health risks that can be associated with eating food that has been genetically modified, has been treated with pesticides and does not use proper crop rotation, eat organic food.

Organic food has been proven to contain sometimes 2-3 timesrepparttar 136165 nutrients that conventional produce has. And with so little research available on this subject, who know how many other ways conventional produce is damaging to our health. How many other ways could organic food be better for us?

Relagen for Stress and Anxiety

Written by Ratliff J

Relagen is an 100% all natural product that effectively addressesrepparttar diverse and debilitating symptoms of STRESS, ANXIETY, and DEPRESSION. Relagen is not a prescription antidepressant like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Effexor. Relagen designed to treat you safely and naturally withoutrepparttar 136155 worries you may find with prescription medications and their unwanted side effects. Relagen also helps you loose that stubborn excess weight around your waist caused by high levels ofrepparttar 136156 cortisol stress hormone.

Learn more about Relagen.

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