Ordering printing can be intimidating

Written by Robert Kennedy

Educating yourself before ordering your office printing can save you serious dollars

"I went to see a printer today to get my company's stationery printed. They ask too many questions, I can't answer!" How many times have you felt this way? It's kind off like going torepparttar auto garage for a tune up and being told you need a new 02 sensor, your sincro mesh gear has a tooth missing and so on. You know you have to get it done but who can you trust to give yourepparttar 126379 best quality, value and service. There is a reason why I include all three 'quality, value and service' Inrepparttar 126380 80's and early 90's it used to be 'quality, value and service'...pick 2. These days, withrepparttar 126381 internet as a resource, buyers and sellers alike can really benefit from forming bonding relationships with their printer of choice. Location is no longer an issue. In fact, I will bet money you can always find what appears, to be better than what you are getting. It can be overwhelming, too much information.

Here are a few tips on what you should figure out before you talk to your printer:

1)Decide how many ink colors you are going to print in. Here are a few links that will help you understand this: Pantone color chart in RGB and html; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pantone_RGB_convert.htm Convert from RGB color to CMYK color; http://www.weprintcolor.com/rgb_CMYK.htm Explain CMYK, RGB and Pantone Color; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pop_ups/Templ_modificatons_full.htm 2)Have a pretty good idea ofrepparttar 126382 paper and texture ofrepparttar 126383 paper you would like to use. Learn some ‘buzz words’ in your conversions withrepparttar 126384 printers you speak to. Here is a list of printing terms commonly used by people inrepparttar 126385 printing industry;

Raise Your Hand If You'd Consider Giving Up The Rights To Your Book Forever

Written by Mark Levine

If Random House pulls up to your house with a U-haul filled with millions and wants to buy your book, maybe you’d consider giving uprepparttar rights forever. But, let’s come back torepparttar 126378 real world. Inrepparttar 126379 real world, many authors find thatrepparttar 126380 best way to launch a writing career is to essentially self-publish by using a print-on-demand (POD) publisher.

The problem is thatrepparttar 126381 POD buffet is filled withrepparttar 126382 equivalent of healthy choices (publishers who charge low or no publishing fees and allow authors to terminaterepparttar 126383 contracts at anytime) and unhealthy choices (publishers that charge exorbitant upfront fees and lock authors into contracts for years). Oftenrepparttar 126384 writer’s eyes are bigger than her stomach – she makes a move forrepparttar 126385 first publisher who tells her that her work is great.

Signing a POD contract impulsively is always a mistake. Unless you are trained as a lawyer, deciphering a POD contract can be tricky since many POD publishers have paid some hefty legal fees to have attorneys sculpt contracts that could easily crush an unsuspecting author.

If you can’t afford to hire a lawyer to review your POD contract you need to arm yourself with some knowledge before signing one. In my book, The Fine Print (www.book-publishers-compared.com), I takerepparttar 126386 legalese commonly found in most POD contracts and explain it in terms that will actually make sense. I also tell yourepparttar 126387 types of clauses in a POD contract that should cause you to run away from a publisher as quickly as possible.

If you don’t want or can’t purchase The Fine Print, here are some three tips that may help you avoid a bad publishing experience.

1. Never pay more than $500 in up front POD publishing fees.

The most reputable POD publishers charge between $300-$500 forrepparttar 126388 publishing package which should always include customized cover art, formatting, placement of your book on Amazon, etc.; and ISBN number, bar code, and a sales page onrepparttar 126389 publisher’s website. If you are paying more and not getting at leastrepparttar 126390 services mentioned above, you are getting taken.

2. Only Sign a Contract That You Can Terminate When You Want

The best contracts are those you can terminate at any time (usually by giving 30-90 days notice). Some POD publishers that don’t charge or charge very little for their services require a longer commitment on your end (1-2 years) before you can terminate. Because they have money invested in you this is understandable. Never sign a POD contract that you can’t get out of easily. Some POD publishers require that you give themrepparttar 126391 rights to your book forrepparttar 126392 term ofrepparttar 126393 copyright. When you see this run fast! The term ofrepparttar 126394 copyright is forrepparttar 126395 life ofrepparttar 126396 author, plus another 70 years – basically forever.

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